Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Spring Dance Recital 2010

The girls' spring dance recital last year was quite an event. We had monsoon rain storms on the night of the recital and when it was rescheduled, we got round two of the storm. This year, we were grateful that we didn't get completely rained out, although we did have another storm this year, but it wasn't as bad.

The girls did such a great job and looked beautiful. The song they danced to was "The Big Bad Wolf" and they both did a great job. It was definitely hard to keep Sadie in her seat because she loves to dance and wanted to jump right up on the stage with them. We are definitely putting her in dance next year.
(*Ashlee's smile looks a little strange right now. She had a "rapid expander" put in at the orthodontist. Her bite is too narrow for her permanent teeth to come in and in hopes of avoiding braces, we needed to expand her palette as quickly as possible to make room for those new beautiful permanent teeth to come in.)

We are so proud of Ashlee and McKell and their hard work this year in dance.

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