Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Sadie did it"

Ashlee LOVES chocolate pudding. We buy it occasionally when it goes on sale, the pudding pack kind, for the kids' lunches. Ashlee can somehow always find it and can't resist sneaking some. She has gotten in trouble for this numerous times. (A part of me wants to sit her down and tell her to be smart about it and at least wipe off her face and hide the that sending the wrong message? Probably.) So, once again, Ashlee had a pudding urge and found herself a pudding pack. But this time she decided to "share". When I walked into the kitchen, she and had pudding all over her and was still holding the spoon. When I started getting mad at her, she immediately piped up, "But Mom, look! Sadie did it!" Sure enough, there sat Sadie with a chocolate face. When I asked Sadie if she at the pudding, this is the face she gave me. Kind of hard to stay mad after that, eh? Ashlee really thinks she has found a great accomplice in crime!


Jade said...

she's too cute. You're right. I don't know how you could possibly get mad after that.

Stacy said...

lol! That's great! I couldn't be mad at that face =D