Yep, this is what the first official week of SPRING in Utah looks like! It maybe wouldn't be quite as bad if we didn't have such beautiful spring weather last week...I'm talking in the high sixties and even seventies. But that all ended this weekend when we took a THIRTY degree drop in temperatures. Yesterday, I was battling horrible winter weather as I took the kids to school and last night we ate hot soup and grilled sandwiches to warm up. To make matters more depressing, I just heard this morning that this Thursday's storm could be the worst snow storm of the whole season! WHAT!?
So, there is my rant for the day. I refuse to pull out my warm clothes, so I am literally tromping through the slush and snow in my flip flops. I guess the only positive aspect of all of this, is that I can legitimately put off spring cleaning for a while...heaven knows it's not spring yet!
Lol! Ya!! I was totally in flip flops going through the snow yesterday. Even through wet muddy yuck yuck! How can any spring storm top our Christmas storm? Seriously?? It took Court 3 hrs to shovel that day... I'm so with you girl! We should move to St George!! =D You in?
I'm feeling your pain too. I would say let's protest or something, but I have never found the weather to get better because of my complaints. All I have to say is "What in the heck are we doing living in this place!!"
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