Okay, so I have a confession to make. I'm sure it will be shocking to some and bring downright horror to others. So....here goes. I am a Morman woman and I do NOT own a Crock pot. There. I said it. (Giving a minute for the gasping and shrieking to stop.) I am not kidding when I say that this statement is usually met with complete shock and confusion. I hear comments like, "What!? How do you cook without a Crock pot!?" "Have you EVER even tried it? Once you do, you will be hooked for sure!" "There is just NOTHING like a roast cooked in a Crock pot. The meat just falls apart in your mouth!" I have decided I could walk into a room of my fellow Mormon women and proclaim, "I have no temple recommend, I'm an alcoholic, and I smoke weed." and that would be met with less shock than "I don't own a Crock pot." I'm waiting for it to become one of the temple recommend questions.
I love going to church meetings when we are planning a dinner for something. Inevitably, because this is a group of Mormons, something will need to be done in a Crock pot. This is when I get to make my infamous statement about not owning one. It's almost become fun to see the reaction. Rob has even gotten in on it. Just last weekend he was at a scout meeting planning the Blue and Gold Banquet. The decided menu was pulled-pork sandwiches, which require what? Yep, a Crock pot. This time it was Rob's turn to get to tell the room full of Mormon women that we wouldn't be able to help with the meat because we don't own one. (Which, by the way is a definite perk in a crock pot free world - you get out of a lot of food assignments!) I think Rob thought I was exaggerating in the past. He walked through the door after his meeting and said, "I'm supposed to tell you that we need to buy a Crock pot. Does that make any sense to you?" I had to chuckle a bit and explain the "Crock pot phenomenon" to my poor confused husband.
Just for the record, I grew up in a home and somehow my mother managed to feed 9 healthy children and never used a Crock pot. She is an amazing cook and somehow did it all with no crock pot. I vaguely remember her owning one when I was growing up and it sat nicely on our kitchen counter. I think she used it to store recipes and gum in. Rob and I actually got a Crock pot for our wedding. It was either re-gifted or returned. I since have succummbed to the pressure and purchased 2 or 3 Crock pots over the years. They remain in the box and I end up taking them back. I just don't get it. I used to have an easy out by blaming it on the clean up factor, but wouldn't you know that someone has come up with Crock pot liners so there is no good excuse now...it probably was a Mormon woman who came up with that idea.
So, I will continue on in my Crock pot free life. I can say that I make a mean pot roast...in my oven - in my Magnelite Roaster just like my mom. It is tender and juicy and some might even say it rivals a Crock pot....GASP!

Gasp! Shock! Oh the Horror!!!
I have to say, I do love my crock pot. I could do without it but......why? It really does make some days so much easier. It never ruins anything. Put it in the morning and dinner time is ready. Having one doesn't mean you're any less of a cook either. I happen to cook very well, if I do say so myself. :) But why not make your life a little easier one day......huh Marci???? :)
I'm so glad there is finally an area that I can totally one-up you, because I rock the crockpots.
That's funny! We used to get gasps over no toaster. We just don't enjoy toast and so we gave ours to the D.I shortly after we were married. Then when I was sick and pregnant I couldn't eat much, but I wanted to try eggo waffles so I had to go to the Wehrli's to borrow their toaster. lol! It was one of the extremely few foods I could eat while pregnant so I was practically forced to buy a new one.
There is just nothing better than being out all day running around in the winter time and walking into your home with a yummy beef stew that has a wonderful, inviting smell througout your home ready for you to dish up and grub on =D
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