Another round of Mommy Moments. Nothing monumental to report, just the norms of every day life.
Cayden is still "in love". Apparently, this is something going around his class...kind of like the flu. He had his culminating event for his 3rd grade class this week. They have been studying Native America and did a bunch of really cool projects, songs, etc. They had an "art gallery" with all of the work they had done. Each child was a "tour guide" for their parents and took them through and told them about each thing. Cayden was in the height of his glory! He knew every little fact about everything. He reminds me SO much of Rob when he is doing things like this - he gets so passionate and excited to share what he has learned...just like his dad. It is uncanny. He continues to have a little more of an attitude than I would like so we are working on that and his temper. Ashlee is doing much better at school. After I visited the school a few weeks back, helped them initiate a new reward program, etc. she has been a ton better. She really is a smart little girl and amazes me with how much she knows. She is reading really well and did great on her habitats oral report on Prairie Dogs. She has had a really hard time with me being released as the primary president. She leaves me pictures, stuffed animals, etc. and is telling me frequently that she is sorry and sad I'm not the primary president any more. Who knows what that means in Ashlee's mind. McKell also did great on her habitat report on the prairie dog. She is doing super at school and has beautiful penmanship and loves to read. She is our little mommy and helps me a lot. Sadie keeps us all laughing and on our toes. She has quite a little attitude and is SO loud. She will vocalize when she is not happy about something. She has become quite a climber lately - climbing on the table, benches, open dishwasher, etc. None of my kids have been quite as into climbing as Sadie. She is a sweet little baby and love to give hugs and say "awwww" when she does. She waves good-bye and can point to most of the parts on her body. She is my big helper and helps me unload the dishwasher every morning. She hands me a dish at a time and won't take a step towards me, just leans as far as she can and grunts like she is lifting the heaviest item in the world. She cracks us up. She is getting 2 molars and 2 eye teeth right now. OUCH! She took me for an adventure today by pulling my Scentsy warmer off the piano, spilling red cinnamon wax all over her hair, the wall, the carpet, and the piano. My biggest concern was her hair and scalp. Fortunately, the wax wasn't hot enough to burn her, but it did set up in her hair and scalp. After a few different attempts, I tried a warm blow dryer and comb and was able to get it out. I'm still trying to figure out the walls, carpet, piano, etc. Baby #5, which we now know is a boy, is doing great. He is moving all over and growing well. We are excited to start getting our "boy stuff" out again. It has been 9 years since we've had a baby boy, so this seems kind of strange and new. I am hoping to be coming out of the sick stage. I am still taking my Zofran each night, but trying to not take it during the day. I just really need to have some energy and not be sick. I have so much to do! My back unfortunately has started to act up - I know this is because the baby is getting bigger. So, that's the mommy moments for this week.
Saturday March 8
9 hours ago
Oh, perfect solution for your carpet. Use a clothes iron and paper towels. It does take patience but it works like a charm. We had one of our neighbors over for dinner and had a red candle going for hrs previous. It got a little out of hand and it was from wall to wall in our big living room. It took a while but we cleaned it up great. This was not too long after we moved in and our carpet was new and as you might remember pretty white. It was scary! But luckily my Real Estate broker had just barely taught me this remidy. Good luck! Let me know if you need help. (If your concerned about it being too hot on the carpet you can put a towel or paper bag in between. You could even use the paper bag to absorb the wax.
I also have used the paper bag and hot iron to get candle wax out of our carpet. It does work pretty good. I love hearing all the new fun stuff about your kids. Hey, at least Sadie probably smelt good at church. :)
Congrats on getting a boy again! That is so exciting!
Sadie sounds like such a hoot, wish we could be around more to actually get to know her:)! I can totally picture the scene with the dishes, cute:)
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