So, somewhere out of the blue, a stranger has come into my home. He looks a lot like my 9 year old son, Cayden. He sounds like him, laughs like him, etc. but there is something strangely different. It seems like out of the blue, some cosmic change has occured and my son is like a different person. I am not joking about the overnight change. One day he was his happy usual self and out of the blue, he has an attitude the size of Texas. We have tried to analyze it, talk to him, etc. but nothing. Finally, last week, I came to the end of my rope. He and I had a serious sit down. I asked him what was going on, why he was acting this way, etc. He told me, "Mom, you know, I'm not a kid any more." Uh, okay, what are you then? "I am a teenager." HA HA! Okay, so we had a chat about what that meant and that at age 9, he was nowhere near being a teenager. He has been dressing different after school, doing the "peace" sign, etc. and it is really tripping me out! That same day after school, he seemed to be a little less filled with attitude. I asked him again what was going on. He finally announced to me that plain and simple, he is in love. (I should be nominated for a freaking Oscar by the way for keeping a straight face through ALL of this!) I asked him what he meant. He told me that he was in love. He saw a girl at a wedding recently and fell in love with her. He didn't get to talk to her or anything so it probably "won't work out." But there is another girl in his class that he is in love with. (He is telling me this by the way, amidst eating 2 Vitamin C, a bunch of grapes and carrots, and, I am not kidding. Apparently he needs to "bulk up" for love.) He then informs me that he will most likely be going on a date. I assured him, he would not be until he was older. He asked if that meant when he was 10? Ha, not even close, buddy! So, we broke through that wall and are doing much better. He still is acting like an alien child, but the attitude is gone. I guess he is focusing fully on being in love. He is downright giddy about it. I am so not ready for this!
I did have a very proud moment with him yesterday. He is reading "The Spiderwick Chronicles" and came to me yesterday very distraught. He said that he loved this book but that there were some words in it that he knew weren't right like "the 'a word', and the Lord's name in vein". I told him I would look at the rest of the book and see if it was okay to read. Meanwhile, he drafts a full blown letter all on his own to the author of the book saying that some of the language in his book is "inaproput" (inappropriate) and if he doesn't stop writing books with bad language, that he won't read them any more. He did the whole thing on his own with no prompting from me and I was quite proud. My little activist for good!
Finally, last night, when I came to bed, there was a note on my bed from him. It reads:
"Mom, I am sorry that you are sick. I think that must be the last straw for you. Is it? (circle yes or no). Anyway, I hope you are better tomorrow. But wait...just to let you remember, because you really forget, I have scouts. I hope I don't have any homework on Wednesday. Finally I can catch up on some other work. Tomorrow is a bery busy day so you better get your sleep. Good night. I love you. Sincerely, Cayden."
I guess I'll keep him...even if he is an alien.
Saturday March 8
9 hours ago
That is soooo cute! Thankfully neither one of my boys have shown any interest in girls yet (at least not my older boys- maybe I should worry- they're 12 and 14!)but my kindergartener's teacher did inform us recently that Ben has been kissing all of the girls and that parents are starting to call, so he needs to stop. Talk about embarrassing! We're probably in for it with that one!
That is so funny. I heard about these so called "aliens", but didn't think they appeared until about the age of 12 or 13. You got a fast learner.....darn it. The note he left for you is too cute. Such a sweet might be in trouble with all the ladies. :)
haha I love that he fell in love with a girl that he saw but that it "probably won't work out" haha It's so appropriate being so close to Valentines Day. Kid's do the funniest things, Dorin just recently realized that there is a difference between girls and boys but Aidan already looooves little girls, I'm sure we have our hands full with him. =)
Oh my heck! That is so cute! He sounds so fun!!! I am seriously laughing out loud as I read this! I'm sorry you are so sick!!! What kinds of foods are you able to eat right now?? Let's plan a day I can come clean your house and help w/ the kids!! Seriously! Pregnancy is the suck! Why can't we just skip over that part??
Your alien is so hilarious! I love that he's in love, and proud that at 9 years of age he can admit that. That letter he wrote you is priceless.
Oh i can even hope JJ will be as sweet as Cayden by the time he is 9! Loved the letter. The other stuff totally had me laughing. If you kept a straight face through that you do deserve an oscar! I didn't do so good as yesterday Rachel was torturing herself not telling us something she said she did wrong on the bus. We could get it out that she said something wrong but wouldn't say what. We finally got that it started with F. I panicked and then finally she let it out that she called a kid Fat that has been teasing her on the bus all year. I was so relieved. Coulda been much worse!
How cute is he? Hilarious! Ya, what is with our boys being in love? They will probably both be very sweet husbands if they take after our hubby's. :)
That note is the cutest and funniest thing I've ever seen!! I love the circle yes or no part. Oh how sweet is he!!
P.S. I love your "Peacock-isms" by the way!! CLASSIC.
Just think, he is only 9 and what a casanova he will be in a few more years. He is too smart! I love how he recognizes that there are words in books that are inappropriate! You are such a good mom!
This was hilarious to read! Please don't tell me it starts that young! How funny. Poor, poor Marci... your life is never boring. That letter officially proves he is Rob's son. Only someone as smart and analytical as Rob would have a son that can write like that at age 9! :)
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