I hope Cammie doesn't mind, but I am stealing her idea and doing a look back on Valentines of years past. It has been fun to see how our family (and we) have changed over the many years of Valentines. This is the 13th Valentines that Rob and I have been together. On our first Valentines, we weren't yet officially engaged, although we called the temple the day after Valentines to schedule it. That year, we were at USU and totally in love. We both placed an ad in the Aggie newspaper with Valentines wishes. (Back then, Rob referred to me as his "HMC - High Maintenance Chick". I simply called him "Rod") Rob actually gave me a fake plastic gold ring that night which was just so romantic! :o)
A lot has changed since that first Valentines together at Utah State. Here's a few glimpses back...
We lived in Boise and had our first child. Cayden was only 3 months old so he came along with us to the ward Valentines dance. (Yeah, we look HOT!)
2002I LOVE this picture of me and my sweet little Cayden. This was the "calm before the storm" of the twins. I was 3 month away from giving birth to our twins and was on strict orders to relax and sit and be off my feet as much as possible. So Cayden and I spent a lot of time together hanging out in the recliner and snuggling. I cherish these times with him.
2003This is Ashlee & McKell's first Valentines. Poor things were both sick. Rob brought them home a little Valentine's balloon. They were only 9 months old.
Same year - Cayden age 3
2004This is a Family Home Evening lesson that we did for Valentines. They each had their own headband that they had made. Ashlee had just had her double eye surgery and was doing great. They were all so fun and happy.

This is the same year at Rob's brother's wedding.
2006 This was Valentines in our new home in Utah. The girls were 3 and Cayden was 5. They had a great time decorating sugar cookies.


Making cookies...and quite a mess!
This year was Sadie's first Valentines. She was just 6 months old and as you can see, Daddy's little Valentine.
Which brings us to this year. We had a great Valentines Day. We actually had my niece's birthday party here during the day. That evening, we went to Chilis as a family and then came home to Valentines surprises!

Rob is tough to buy for on Valentines because he doesn't like chocolate. But he LOVES cheesecake. He was a happy camper when he got his Valentines Cheesecake...and was nice enough to share with the rest of us.
Rob surprised me with flowers and a really sweet card. At the end, it had a little note asking me to "pick one" - a marquis cut or a round cut for my wedding ring. (I lost my original stone a few years ago on the beach in CA and haven't had a ring ever since. He has called a few jewelers and it looks like I may finally get a new ring!)
Our cute girls with their flowers from Daddy. Rob gives them flowers each year which I think is so sweet. Cayden loved helping him give them out.
Little Sadie with her first flowers from Daddy. (Last year she was still too young...probably would have just eaten them!)

Our handsome flower delivery men.


The whole crew with their Valentines "loot". They got Valentines stuffed animals from Mom and Dad as well as treats and Valentines from both sets of Grandparents, their cousins from Wyoming, and Aunt Jenny's family who lives in England.
It was another wonderful Valentines Day!
Oh my goodness! You guys were so hot!
Cute pictures! I love that Rob gives your girls flowers- that is so cute. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. It's been so fun to get back in touch after so many years. We really should get together.
You guys do such fun, cute things. Love seeing all the old pictures.....that's great. About time we saw some kind of pic with you in it. :)
I enjoyed seeing pictures of your family before I knew you. And what a fun Valentine's day it looks like you had. I love the kisses. We typically don't celebrate Valentine's day at our house and you put me to shame. I hope you aren't so sick you can't enjoy every minute of everyday. AND you are released!!! Unbelievable. I wonder if a new calling will help fill the void in your heart. I find it easy to love whoever I am serving. You will too. With Caden in mind, I am guessing a boy. Of course, if I remember correcly, this pregnancy compares more closely to your last and she was a girl. I am very happy for your family. Did you have the Barn Dance or other Valentine activity?
Excited for you,
Cute! I love that he gives the kids flowers! That is so sweet!
I love that I remember every single one of those time periods! What a great look back. You really do make holidays so fun. Love the girls' hair, by the way!!
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