No real rhyme or reason to this post. Nothing monumental to write about. Just some random thoughts.
Our biggest challenge this week was the house appraisal. We are just refinancing our 2nd mortgage so we had to have an appraisal. This maybe wouldn't have been as big of a deal, but because I have been feeling so incredibly lousy, exhausted, etc. with the accident/pregnancy, my house has quite frankly gone to pot. So the thoughts of some random person walking through every room of my house with a camera made me a little anxious. All in all, it was a blessing in disguise. Just the kick in the pants we needed to get our house back to being organized and tidy. The kids finally had to start doing their daily job chart chores and it is amazing how much more peaceful things are when the house is in order. Today I spent at least 4 hours helping Ashlee & McKell get their room dejunked, organized, and cleaned up. It is SO nice. Cayden has done a great job cleaning his own room. So our goal is to have daily clean ups so it doesn't pile up again.
I have been feeling so-so this week. It is really frustrating when I feel "tricked". I will have a day like Monday where I actually am feeling quite good. Not much nausea, more energy, etc. It gives me a glimmer of hope that the worst is behind me on this pregnancy. But alas, no, then comes Tuesday and BAM! Right back to square one. To make matters worse, I took my last Zofran (my heavy duty anti-nausea meds) on Thursday and dropped off a refill request at 2:00. Rob went to pick it up at 8:50 that night, only to be informed that they don't have any in stock and won't have any until noon today. This was NOT what I wanted to hear. So, last night I went "Zofran free" and it really reared its ugly head today. I was so nauseous, sick, etc. until I was able to pick up the meds. Not fun. Other than that, things seem to be going well with the pregnancy. I had my check up and things looked right on. I had to take the blood test that gives heads up for Downs, etc. and it came back normal which is a big relief. We are now anxiously awaiting our ultrasound on the 19th of Feb when we will find out the sex.
We had some not so good news a few weeks ago when Rob's work announced pretty substantial pay cuts. Not fun. We are still refiguring out our budget and realize that we are blessed to at least have a job. We are trying to save a lot right now, get our food storage in order, etc.
Sadie has been sick all week with a bad cold. I hate it when babies get sick! She has tried to be a trooper, but I can tell she is run down and not feeling well at all. She has found a new attitude and uses it often. It's hard not to laugh. She is the first one to fold her arms during prayer and is very serious to keep them folded until we say amen.
So, that's about it for the random thoughts for the week.
Sunday March 9
1 day ago
Sorry you're so sick.....but not too sorry, because hey, you are pregnant, which is a blessing. I remember how that is to be that sick...not fun at all. Wish we lived closer, I would happily keep you company. :)
Sorry to hear about pay-cuts. They are happening all over up here also. Scary times.....good to hear you are saving and working on food storage. Nathan and I had a date night tonight, and discussed just that. Those too are our goals right now.
Good to hear your random thoughts. Can't wait to hear what you're having....
Ahhhh.....I'm thinking we may need to go out again next weekend to remedy all the stuff going on in our lives!! LOVE that Sadie is folding her arms and saying "amen"!
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