Cayden's response when he saw the note from the fairy this morning? "Uh, Mom, I don't think so. I know who this really is." We quickly had a one-on-one in the laundry room where I quickly reminded him that he didn't have to believe in anything, but whether it is a real fairy or not, he still better show love and service etc. because whether it is a fairy or me, he still wants the treats, right? He quickly caught on and swore to keep his opinions to himself. I can guarantee he'll be the first one looking for his surprise in the morning.
So, here comes the "discussion". I tell Rob about this and was quite proud of my idea. His response? "Why does it always have to be a fairy?" I guess I see his point. We already have the tooth fairy and at our house we have the cleaning fairy (she comes once a week on random days. If their rooms are clean, she leaves them a treat. If not, she just leaves a feather on their bed. Again, it is a great incentive and actually works for us.) So, I guess Rob has a point. We are a little fairy overloaded here at the Peacock home. But what else do you do? Easter already took the darn bunny and it's not like I can reinvent a big jolly fat man riding in a sleigh to bring Valentines joy. I thought of the "Valentine's Gnome" but that just gets confusing. We already have a leprechaun come at St Patrick's Day which is a lot like a gnome. So, much to Rob's dismay, we are sticking with the fairy.
I love the cleaning fairy idea. I might have to steal that one. Too bad most of my kids are probably too old to be motivated by that. You never know, though, if the treats are good enough...
I love the cleaning fairy idea also. I am going to try that....Anyway, the Valentine's day fairy is cute too. It all gets to be a little too much for me to do...that is when a little of my laziness comes in. I need to make a bigger deal of it for my kids. You are a great mom....and apparently a fun one too. Love the Kaden story. Anything for a treat right?
Thats when you say 'Sorry kids, the valentine fairy kicked the bucket!'. Then pack your bags, get a sitter, head on out and show rob just what a hot "fairy" he married! haha
Abram and I must be crappy parents because we don't do anything for our kids for valentines. It's the one holiday that's all about us! We usually get all decked out and spend the evening alone. The problem is that most of our conversations just end up being about the kids. :)
You are tooo funny. I love the idea of all the fairies you have. I think I might see if the cleaning fairy can visit my house! You are amazing and seem to always be doing something fantastic. Where do you get your energy? I would like a dose of that! Oh and the crock pot thing... gasp! You are the outcast...j/k I think that is funny!
I love Stacey's comment! Amen girl. I cannot deal with another fairy either!!
lol this was very funny... I have to take Rob's side on this. what about a nice valentines Hobbit?
We call it the house fairy at our house (from fly-lady.com), but Joey (in private) told me, "I know that house-fairies are not real." I was not as quick on my feet as you were though.
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