So today I was planning on sitting down and writing a moving entry about my thoughts on the recent events of the Presidential Inaguration, our new president, hope for America, blah blah was going to be good.
But then "life" happened.
We've been having astronomical difficulties with Ashlee at school since November. Just daily reports of her not doing her work, being difficult, etc. etc. It was getting to the point that I dreaded picking her up each day because I didn't want to hear another "report" about something bad that had happened. Finally yesterday something snapped and Mama Bear came out. I had had enough and I needed to get to the bottom of it. So Rob took the morning off to stay home with Sadie and I spent 4 hours observing Ashlee at the school. The good news is that I was astonished at how well she is doing! My child with autism is pretty much functioning at a normal level like the rest of the 1st graders in her class. Yes, she has her moments and I'm sure it gets frustrating, but to me, knowing her history, it was nothing short of a miracle. I love the teachers that work with Ashlee because they are always open and willing to work with me and we really do work as a team. We had a lot of good discussions, ideas, and overall tweaking of a lot of things with Ashlee. I left actually feeling very encouraged and happy.
Sadly, this did not last. As soon as I got home, the "morning" sickness kicked in full force, if you know what I mean. Before I knew it, I looked at the clock and it was already time to go pick up the kids from school. It is a half hour drive and I honestly didn't know if I could make it without having to pull over repeatedly to puke. I finally pulled myself together as much as I could and headed out the door...15 minutes late. I take Bachus Highway out to the school. For those who don't know what that is, it basically is a highway in the middle of what my kids have labeled a "prairie habitat". Aside from the daily roadkill and wildlife, not a whole lot happens on Bachus Highway. I admit, I was going faster than I should, but NOTHING like I have seen other drivers do. I get passed all the time by people going at least 85 on that road. So, I am on my way, literally trying to will myself to not get sick, and not really thinking about watching for cops, and yep, I get pulled over. I look a mess, I pray I won't puke on the officer (something I later wished I could reverse), and the stupid hormones kick in and I start getting all teary eyed. I explain to this officer the situation and beg him to please just give me a warning. I honestly thought he was going to do it. I waited and waited and waited and then he came back...with a ticket. Nothing reduced, no warning, nothing. (At this point I began praying that I WOULD puke on him...just to prove the didn't happen.) At this point, I became just mad...mostly because he had a ridiculously bad haircut. I don't know why this stuck out to me, but it did. I like my police officers to be clean cut with short hair and this guy looked like one of the Beatles in a cop uniform. It really annoyed me.
So, $107 later for a stupid ticket, I really felt like puking even more. Not to mention my insurance going up. Rob joked that we'll just deduct that from this baby's future college fund. I am still not laughing. In this economy, who the heck has an extra $107 bucks just sitting around. Not to mention the irritation that comes when you realize that there is really no good reason for them to patrol that area like that. What, are they afraid someone might hit a jack rabbit? That someone might swerve off the road when they get a wiff of the West Jordan Landfill as they drive by? I mean, seriously, should that long stretch of highway only be 50 MPH? Honestly, is that really the best place this officer needed to be? Hey, here is an idea - how about patrolling one of the hundreds of school zones that would have been active at that time of day to make sure idiots don't speed through those and hit small children. I doubt the jack rabbits would mind.
So, sorry, Barack, my Inaguration entry will have to wait for another day. Right now, I'm trying to will myself not to puke again just thinking of the stupid South Jordan cop, his total lack of compassion, and his incredibly bad haircut. I keep envisioning a place in the hereafter for that cop that is full of pregnant women experiencing morning sickness with no compassion for him wanting to get out of the room. Do you think Obama could make that happen?
Friday March 7
23 hours ago
Bless your heart, I hope that you start feeling better soon. That policeman was on a power trip, maybe he thought with that haircut it would make him more Powerful. I am scared to death thinking who is in "power" of our nation and pray that we will make it through. Obama, Biden, Clinton my worst nightmare. Hope, Change, Hope lingo didn't work for me. It will be change when we are at the mercy of the government for everything to "Bail" us out. We are just listening to our church leaders in their guidance to be prepared financially, physically {food storage}, and spiritually to handle what is in store for us. Sorry, I got on my soapbox there...
Crappy, crappy, crappy.....I just got pulled over a couple of months ago, and the cop gave me a $150 ticket.....What? I went and fought it at the courthouse, and the judge felt sorry for me...ok, I he reduced it to $70. Better than $150 I guess... Hope you have better days... :)
I'm so, so sorry. That just stinks. It would have been so cool if the stars had aligned and you had puked your guts all over him. Would have treated him right for not understanding how hard it is sometimes to be a mother and pregnant at the same time. Good luck with everything else.
Marci, seriously cute blog. I hope you don't mind. I found it from your facebook. Congrats on the new baby. How awesome is that. I am sorry about that police officer, I seriously hate it when they really have better places and things to do and they have to give the mom that is trying to race and get her kids and no one else is even on the road. This happened to me a while ago and really!!! We are good citizens minus the few miles over and their are far more dangerous things going on to be concerened with. I hope you have a better day. Send me your e-mail and I will invite you to my blog.
I feel really bad about your ticket, but I got to tell you I was quite entertained while reading this post! :) It was pretty funny. But all joking aside...that cop should really get a haircut...I mean c'mon.
The only thing worse then a cop with a bad hair cut that gives you a ticket is a butchy lesbian cop with a bad hair cut that gives you a ticket, believe me I know. =) haha Sorry about your ticket, that can sure ruin a day. =)
OH CRAP!! I can't believe you got a ticket! Of all the things...seriously.
Good Grief! You can't win when it comes to driving around. Sorry about the ticket!
Oh my goodness! I am so far behind! I am reading backwords since I've been out of town! I had no idea you are pregnant!!! Congratulations!!! Yay! Wow, you are a strong woman. I couldn't get in a car for MONTHS when I was pregnant. I was so so sick! You really should have puked on the dumb cop. Baccus really doensn't need cops. That's dumb!
I cry every time I get pulled over if it makes you feel any better? I hate the frustration of getting a ticket..I can relate. I wish you did puke on him. He deserved it.
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