I just had to post about my sweet Cayden. We went and saw High School Musical 3 tonight as a family. Ever since the first movie came out, Cayden has thought basketball is really cool. I remember when he first saw HSM 1 and loved watching the basketball sequence over and over. He knew all the words to "Get your head in the Game" etc. But the High School Musical excitement wore off long ago...until tonight. We surprised the kids and took them to see it. Cayden seemed to enjoy it and just seemed kind of impartial about it all. But then we got home and he went to bed...with his new basketball from Christmas. When I went to tuck him in, I noticed something sticking out from under his PJ's....his basketball jersey and shorts. He kind of looked at me wondering what I would say. I just gave him a wink and a hug and said, "Good night Bolton." He got a big smile. As I walked out of his bedroom and turned off the light he said, "Hey Mom, it's okay if you call me Bolton." Have I mentioned lately how much I love that kid? And who the heck needs Zac Efron aka the real Troy Bolton when you can have Cayden.
That is so cute. We've been watching HSM1 and HSM2 forever. Carter thinks he's Troy too at times. He was also very excited when we moved to our house and it had "high school musical floors". Which meant we had wood floors. I'm not sure if that was a healthy association or no??
That is really cute!
He is such a cutie pie!
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