I just realized today that I have never blogged about one of the biggest parts of my life right now - my church calling. I guess I got to thinking about it because we had our big 2009 kickoff pajama breakfast for primary. It was so much fun! The kids LOVE wearing their pajamas to a church activity. I personally think it is a new idea the whole church should adopt! Can you imagine how many more people would actually show up to church on time if we served breakfast and people could wear their pajamas? I think it is brilliant! I'm sure our bishop wouldn't think so.
So back in November of 2006 our ward was split for about the gazillionth time. A new ward was created and some of our old ward merged with a part of another ward. I literally didn't know half of the ward. We were assigned the unlucky church time of 2:30-5:30. I remember making the remark to Rob, "Oh that poor primary president that has to deal with those children at that hour!" I had just been called as ward choir director a few months previous so I felt foolishly confidant that I was in the clear as far as callings went. The stake gave the bishop 2 weeks to have the whole ward fully staffed and running. For the first 2 weeks we only had Sacrament meeting. After the first week, Rob and I breathed a collective sigh of relief and had a conversation that surely they had all of the "big" callings filled after a full week. We were "safe".
Fast forward to the following Wednesday. I was shopping with my mom when I got "the call" on my cell phone. Of course, it was very vague - the bishop would like to meet with you and Rob. My response? "But I'm shopping." I told them I would be home later and the bishop could stop by around 9:00. I called Rob, asked him to clean up the living room, and gave him the heads up that he would be getting a "big" calling...certainly it wasn't for me...I was the choir director! So 9:00 rolls around and the doorbell rings. I answer it and there stand the 3 Nephites aka our whole bishopric. This is the first time I had ever even met our bishop. I knew his counselors, especially Bryan Gee who was our neighbor down the street. I vaguley remember Bryan having a kind of smirk on his face and not making eye contact. hmm...
They come in and we sit down. I sit right back and feel relaxed because hey, I am the choir director. I start immediately thinking of all the callings they could want Rob for. The bishop pretty much looked at Rob the whole time he was talking. I certainly was in the clear. Then came "the moment." Bishop Gillette says, "Sister Peacock, we would like to ask you to serve as the primary president of our ward." At this point, I about fall off my chair, Rob squeezes my hand and I think Bryan may have been laughing.
Long story short, I accepted and that was that. Because it was a brand new ward, I had to fully staff a primary, keeping in mind I didn't even know half of the ward. Talk about blind faith! The other factor was that I learned quickly that we had, by far, the largest primary in the stake. I immediately was blessed with 2 of the best counselors in the world, Teresa Hope & ShaLisa Larsen. These women quickly became incredibly friends to me and I will always cherish the time I was able to serve with them. I also had 2 wonderful secretaries - Adrienne Syme and Brooke Wehrli. Also wonderful women and good friends. I jumped in the deep end, did a lot of praying, and hoped for the best.
Now, I am heading into my third year as primary president. My original presidency was all released a year ago, and I have a whole new presidency full of more amazing and wonderful women. About a month ago, I got another new second counselor. I joke that I must be a slow learner because I am the only one who stays in...I apparently still have a lot to learn!
I can honestly say that I love my calling. I love the children in our ward...all of them! We have a HUGE primary with an average of 160 there every week plus nursery kids. They have amazing spirts and incredibly testimonies. They challenge me, teach me, love me, and make me laugh on a weekly basis. I believe it is the best calling in the church. I can't even put into words all that I have learned in this calling. It hasn't always been easy and it definitely has its challenges. But I also know with no doubt that this is where the Lord wants me to be serving and I am happy to serve. It is mostly humbling to be asked to serve these "noble and great ones" of the church.
I absolutely couldn't talk about this without also mentioning Rob. When people sometimes say, "I don't know how you do it all!" My first response is always, "I have Rob." I don't need to say anything more than that. He has never complained. He has never been unsupportive. He has always been happy to be there for me 100%. I honestly believe this is why I am able to do this. He picks up a lot of the slack. He is an amazing man. I joke with him that he needs to complain and be a little bit unsupportive because when it is his turn for a "big" calling, then I'm really going to look bad in comparison. He can't do it.
So, that is my thoughts on my church calling. The best calling in the world....even better than choir director, which by the way, I was released from. :o)
Saturday March 2
4 days ago
I somehow always seem to get on my computer right after you update your blog. I also love primary. I was just released from the presidency a month ago, and dearly miss it. I didn't realize how much I loved it, until now. I feel so useless at church, not being with all the kids. I am glad you love your calling so much. It really makes it so much easier to go to church every week.
You are such an awesome Primary President! I swear I don't know how you do it all and pregnant too!=) Congratulations! I tried to get over to you at church today to tell you in person but you know how it goes. TTYL =)
You are the greatest. I so appreciated that you let Carter attend nursery a few months early while I was teaching Young Women's and Christian had to work. I also appreciated that you never had any inspiration about me becoming a Sunbeam teacher...Which I just became in our new ward!
You have awesome Primary President skills. Pretty much the best the church has ever had.
Hey Marci, I'm glad you blogged this before you got released. I don't even know if you will get this but I enjoyed reading it. (I admit, I am a little late on getting up-to-date with your life. Have I ever mentioned I do things at my own pace?)
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