So, this year was not the year of the Party Animals in our house. We wanted a low-key New Year's Eve and that is what we got. We went to Texas Roadhouse with my parents and sister and then came back to our house and played some games with the kids and then sent them to bed and played some games. It was mellow, but lots of fun!

Sadie bringing in the New Year

Our crazy kids getting ready to bring in the New Year. When we were kids, my Grandma Neilson would set the clocks ahead to make it seem like it was midnight, even though it was only about 9:00. We would do the whole countdown and run out in the streets banging the pans and yelling, "Happy New Year!" I'm sure the neighbors felt sorry for those dumb Neilson kids out banging pans at 9:00. But the tradition has carried on. I'm sure our neighbors weren't quite sure what was going on either. The kids thought it was great having Grandma and Grandpa here for New Years. We played "Disney Scene It" and had lots of yummy food.

A toast to bring in the New Year

A rousing game of "Sequence"
Did I read the words "low key"?? =0) Your poor parents let US stay up till 12! But truth be told, I'm fully planning on setting our clocks forward for our kids in the future!!
I think that is a genius idea... we did that w/ a couple of our foster kids, but we were extra nice I guess this year and let Dakota stay up.
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