First moments with Mom.

Here is the "Mini me" pose.

7:37 pm - We have a baby boy. He weighs 7 lbs 11 oz, 20 inches long. He has curly dark hair, long fingers and long fingernails. He's quite peaceful. He has the pouting face down, and makes an occasional whimper ( it's almost like a small squeak ) when you move him.
6:50pm - Marci is currently a little more than a '7'. Her parents are here and now we get to have a nursing shift change. Contractions are coming about every 2 minutes quite regularly.
5:50pm - Marci has gone from a '4' to a '6' in little over an hour. She's still doing well. The nurse is starting to get everything ready, and Marci's parents have been called, so it shouldn't be long now.
4:45pm - Marci is being quite the slow poke, so the nurse came in and increased the oxytocin. She is currently at a '4' and so the nurse will check back in an hour or so. Baby looks great, Marci's blood pressure has remained high all day, but she is doing ok. We have an awesome nurse 'Regina' that is taking good care of us. We just finished watching 'Taken' with Liam Neeson. All I can say is 'Dang, is there anyone left alive in that movie?'. Kids are at Marci's parents today, we are sad to hear that Sadie isn't feeling well. As we get closer to delivering, her parents will come over, and her brother Jay will take over watching the kids. The kids are super excited to get a little brother.
1:25pm - Dr Irion came in to break her water, so that should get things going.
1:15pm - Epidural is in, and soon will be worth it :) We had a very good Anesthesiologist compared to the last baby, he was even cracking jokes. ( "What did the Zero say to the Eight? Nice belt");
11:40am - Right now she's hooked up to oxytocin and doing well, and we're kicking back watching Valkyrie.
11:15am - This is Rob. Marci has put me in charge of blogging today. We are here at Intermountain Medical Center. We arrived around 10:30am and were able to get checked in quickly. We have a great nurse that is taking care of us.
Of course Marci had to have prima-donna veins, and get the Anesthesiologist to put in her I.V after one unsuccessful ( but painful ) stick.
Exciting! I hope it all goes well for you. I will be excited to check your blog later and get more updates.
Thanks Rob for the update! So exciting...have fun!!!
Rob makes it sound so easy! :) We are so excited for y'all. We still think you should name him "Best Man Bill".
Love the updates! Keep 'em comin! :)
Exciting! The format of the posts look very familiar. ;)
You should put the new posts at the top so that we can just refresh and see the latest on the top! Just a suggestion! Good luck with everything! I'll be refreshing!
Yay!! guys I'm so excited and just can't wait to hear the next update! Oh Jeff thinks Jeff is a great name for the newest little Peacock!
We keep checking, thanks for the updates :)
Congratulations!!! I am so happy for your family!
Congradulations you two!!! Marci, you did an awesome job!!! Rob, I loved the play by play moment of your son's "birthday". One for the book for sure!! Now we're just waiting for official name! Congradulations, again!! That's great!
Congrats!!! Can't wait to see pics. :) Oh, and what did you decide to name him?
YAY! Congrats!!
Congrats!! Can't wait to see pics and the name! =)
Yeah! Another little Peacock! Congrats! Aaron weighed 7lbs 11oz also! Can't wait to see pictures!
Loved the play by play! Good job Rob! Can't wait to see pictures of cute little baby boy! Way to go Marci! I'm s overjoyed with love and compassion that I don't have a snide comment to make!
Congratulations!!! I'm so glad he's here and everything went well. I bet you feel so much better being able to breathe again and move. Can't wait for pictures!!
Congratulations! What a joy to have him here!
I was so worried about what baby's name is going to be, I dreamed that you had a girl, and I was giving all these boy name suggestions! I'm glad its a boy!!...Dillon, Austin, Cameron, Prince Robert!! hahaha
Wow! He's perfect! My little one just keeps pointing to the picture, "" Her newest little neighbor!
awwwwww! He is precious! and look amazing!
He is so CUTE!!!! Congratulations once again. I am dying to find out what his name is! :)
YAY! Hey, I'm up at Snowbird, but really want to bring you dinners, and help out with the kids! E-mail me, or call me and let me know what the ward and others have scheduled, so I know when and how I can help out! =D
aawww....he's so precious! Congratulations.
AWESOME!! Congratulations!!
Welcome Jaxson to the family :)
Oh my gosh, Marci!! He is SOOOO beautiful! Love him already. Oh, and you, too. :)
He's beautiful!!! Congratulations!
Congratulations! He is so cute! Marci, you look wayyy too good for just having a baby! I just started going to Dr. Irion, too! I loved the play by play.
Oh, Marci he is sooo precious! I cant wait to hold him! I love the name you chose, and William is a very awesome middle name! Nick doesnt mind sharing. Oh and you do look way too good in your photo. I always looked like death warmed over!
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