I also wanted to give a quick update on how things are going. First, we want to say a huge thank you to so many who have sent their well wishes, prayers, calls, etc. during our bumpy beginning with Jaxson. We appreciate it more than you can know.
So, here is the status on things:
-Jaxson is doing great. He is healthy and sweet and a beautiful baby. At first, he wasn't doing too well on the eating front and having a hard time swallowing without a lot of air and not eating too much. But he has quickly figured out not only how to eat, but that he likes to eat! He is so tiny (for one of my babies) so I am glad to see him eating. He still sleeps a lot and is pretty content. Our first night home was VERY hairy with both him and Sadie waking up. Last night was a little better. It is amazing how, with a newborn, 3 hours of consecutive sleep feels like a lifetime! All moms know what I am talking about.
-Sadie is still pretty miserable with a mouth full of yucky blisters from this stupid hand, foot, mouth disease that she got. The good news is that her fever is gone so she has her appetite back. The bad news is that her mouth still hurts so much that she wants to eat but can't. It is excruciating to watch her be hungry and just cry and point and say "mouf" (mouth) because she wants to eat. We hope this ends soon. She slept better last night so that is hopeful.
-Just as Sadie is getting to the tail end of this awful illness, it appears Ashlee has now got it. She complained of not feeling well tonight and when I looked, she had a little blister on the corner of her lip. You have GOT to be kidding me! We are praying with all the faith we have that the other kids won't get it and that Ashlee will have a much milder case because she is older. We are completely converting to all paperwear so we can throw away everything after we eat. Because this is a viral disease, there is really nothing to do but wait it out. So much for pawning off any of our kids right now.
-Rob is holding up okay. I'm sure he is exhausted and ready for life to return to 'normal' - whatever that is. I think he is just happy that Sadie is finally starting to feel better.
-On my health update, it is still not great. My leg continues to hurt all the time due to the blood clots aka phlebitis. I have to wear these lovely stockings that are a real pain, but are supposed to help. I still can't walk really well at all and can't carry Jaxson while walking, especially on the stairs. The first night I was home, I apparently was more weak than what I thought and Rob had to literally catch me 3 times as I was blacking out. It was not a good feeling. I have had a few more spells like that so I usually have Rob nearby when I am feeling dizzy or doing the stairs. I am going in tomorrow to my OB to have my blood pressure and leg checked. According to my home BP monitor, my BP is still very high, even on medication. We'll see what it shows tomorrow. We don't know why it is contintuing to stay high, but I don't like it. I am still really swollen and puffy because of it and it worries me a lot, as it does Rob. In addition, to make it more "fun" my back is killing me. We knew this would probably be the case, but I was really hoping it wouldn't be so bad. To sum up, as Rob puts it, I am a mess.
When I started this blog, I promsied that I would be 100% honest and not "sugar coat" anything. It is my forum to share our lives, both the ups and downs. So I apologize if I have been a "downer" lately. It is amazing how your physical well being has a direct impact on your mental and emotional well being. So please pardon the ventings of an emotionally and physically drained mom.
To sum it up...I feel completely depleted at the moment. I think most moms can relate to how it feels right after having a baby. There really is no other feeling like it. I honestly struggle with it a lot and have struggled after each baby I have had. My hormones feel like they are completely whacked out, I am a weepy emotional mess, and I just feel lousy. I truly hate how I feel after having a baby. I know a lot of it is post pardom depression and "baby blues" and I just do not like feeling so out of control with my emotions. To be honest, I have had more crying emotional breakdowns in the last few days than in the last few years combined.
I know there is a purpose and reason to everything. I know that in the grand scheme of things, I will probably look back and understand the "why's" of things. But right now, while in the moment, I have a hard time with it. I have pretty much been in constant pain with my back this whole pregnancy as well as being "morning sick" the whole 9 months. I have tried to push through that and do the best I could. But then at the beginning of June, I came down with an awful case of what appeared to be the "swine flu". I have never been so sick in my life and am honestly still recovering from the effects of it. Add to that, some toxemia just for fun. So for the past few weeks, I have been dealing with that. I really thought that these "challenges" for me would be over once I had the baby. So it has really hit hard to not only still be dealing with all of those issues, but now adding a blood pressure issue, the normal post-pregnancy "recovery" issues, and this horrible pain in my legs due to blood clots that won't be going away any time soon. I am constantly in some sort of pain and sometimes it all hits at once. I have great pain meds from the doctor, but I can't take them because they knock me out and I can't function. So I continue to be in a lot of pain all of the time. In addition to having a very sick 22 month old and now another sick child. Yep, pretty much emotionally and physically drained and depleted at this moment.
Through it all, I am still trying to see the positives in things. They are what I try to focus on, even though that is hard. So, here are a few.
-My 3 older kids have been stellar through all of this. They have been SO good and very self sufficient and have become quite a great team of 3. Tonight, they all pitched in and cleaned the downstairs and did so with no grumbling or complaining. They have become quite good little friends through all of this. Tonight, they sat at the bar and went through the Hymn book and wrote down the words of their favorite Hymns.
-Rob has been able to be home. I can honestly say that I would NOT be able to even function right now if Rob wasn't home. I am so eternally grateful for this man and the incredble person he is. He just carries the load while I can't and I continually pray for him to have an added measure of strength, patience, and energy. He amazes me on a daily basis. Not only is he having to take care of the kids, including a very sick little girl, but a wife who is a mess. I am not looking forward to when he has to go back to work. I pray that things will be better by then.
-My ward is bringing meals into us which is a huge help! It is so comforting to know that task is being taken care of. I physically could not do it right now and it is such a comfort to know that it is one less thing for Rob to try and manage. My family has also been a great help with meals and help. I wouldn't have made it through the first few days in the hospital without my parents and my brother, Jay.
-Out of all of this, we have a sweet new baby boy. Jaxson has already brought so much love to our home. A new baby just carries that special spirit with them because they are so new from Heaven. He is a valiant little spirit and I love looking into his wise dark eyes and talking to him. He is a special little guy and we love him so much
.Getting weighed - 7 lbs 11 oz - SO tiny for one of my babies!
He's beautiful Marci! Congrats...love him in the red shirt....too cute!
Marci, you are a real life super hero. I can't even begin to believe all that you and your family have been through the last week. I am so sorry it has to be this way. WHY?!?!? I got postpartum with Zach really bad and to prevent that happening with Parker I went on an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety as soon as I could. It has made things so much more enjoyable, and more importantly, manageable. I'm so glad you've chosen to share the real story and not the sugar coated "life is great" version of what you're going through. Hang in there you wretched soul you. I'm afraid you're going to be in the bad place for a long time. We will for sure pray for you and your family!
Rob is quite the superhero too. What a champ!
He is so cute! I'm so sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time. I really hope things get better quickly for all of you. We will miss you at the madrigal reunion tonight! I'll pass on your good news. Take care of yourself and enjoy your sweet baby as much as you can!
Way to tell it like it is! My goodness, I hope you all get feeling better VERY VERY soon. Ever time I have a baby I walk around balling and bleeding, and it's not pleasant at all! We are thinking of you guys.
Boy oh boy!!! You've had it rough little missy! I really don't know how you've done it! I'm amazed at you. Congratulations on your sweet little boy! He is precious! I hope and pray things get better for you guys VERY SOON!!!!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!! Oh my gosh, love him. And thank you for your honesty...you know how I feel about all that. Say what you need to say.
He is so darling!!! I am sorry that you have to deal with so much. I understand the postpartum thing, I had is HORRIBLE with Dallin. I hope things return to normal for you and your family soon!!!! (((HUGS)))
He is beautiful! Congratulations! Wow, the memories come flooding back of the postpartum issues!
I loved the glove balloon as when my youngest was born we were in the hospital for 3 weeks and with a 4 year old sibling around all the time, we went through our share of gloves.
So...so...so cute! I am so sorry to hear about all of your sicknesses and hardships. I hope that the other kids don't get sick and you will all be able to recover and enjoy your new addition. From what I know about you is that you are a tough cookie and nothing will stand in the way of that! Take care and we will keep your family in our prayers! Congrats on Jaxson!
You have such a beautiful family! Jaxson is perfect in every way! We will definitely keep y'all in our prayers for you to have a full recovery. I personally think that mom's and dad's should be immune to any health problems what so ever. It is truly hard to function as a parent when you don't feel 100%. You and Rob are incredible parents! Miss you!
Oh Marci! You are so strong! I remember being overwhelmed at the thought of Court leaving me, while in pain to run to the grocery store. How 'bout your 2 kids that don't have the hand foot and mouth thing? You can pawn them off on me! Would that help? How 'bout lunches? I can bring you lunches!
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