Just a quick update on us and "As the World Turns".
-First and foremost, THANK YOU to everyone that has been so wonderful with words of support, prayers, well wishes, etc. for us. We have been so touched by everyone's outpouring of love and concern. We have had meals this week which has helped so much from our ward and are trying to get back on our feet.
-The GOOD NEWS is that Ashlee DOES NOT have hand, foot, mouth disease. WHEW! She already had it when she was younger so she has antibodies for it already, plus we quickly realized that her symptoms were not at all the same as Sadie's. This is a HUGE blessing because there is nothing you can do for HFM disease except wait it out. The other GOOD NEWS is that Cayden and McKell have also already had it so they should be pretty much immuned as well. SUCH a blessing. The BAD news is that Ashlee is still very sick with a fever and throwing up. I just got back from the doctor with her and she tested negative for strep, any type of flu, etc. (I had them test for anything imaginable just so we could cover our bases.) I was a little worried about maybe West Nile virus because she got bitten by some mosquitos over the weekend, but she didn't show enough signs for that. It looks like a yucky tummy virus. She hasn't kept anything down for the past day, so we have to watch for dehydration, but hopefully we can start getting small sips of liquid in her and she'll be back to normal. Again, I am praying that nobody else gets this in our house! The highlight of the day? When we were at the dr's office today and Ashlee was picking out her sticker for being good and ended up puking all over the clerk's desk including their mail, drawers, etc. They were so nice about it and we got everything cleaned up.
-Cayden is at Scout day camp today and hopefully having a wonderful time!
-McKell is pretty darn bored with a sick sister and a brother at scout camp. She will be excited to go with her cousins to a birthday party tomorrow at the Aerospace Museum!
-Sadie is doing much better. She is able to eat more and hasn't had a fever since Sunday. Her "mouf" still hurts a little and she is cautious of what she will eat, but at least she is eating and running around. She loves the new baby...a little too much at times. I didn't realize how loud this child is until I brought a newborn home. Our little Sadie has some serious PIPES!
-Jaxson is doing great. He is so beautiful and sweet. I took him to the dr yesterday to check his billirubin aka jaundice. He is a little yellow still but fortunately, we don't have to do the light blanket unless we see him get more yellow or if he doesn't eat very well. This boy loves to eat! He gets downright frantic when it is chow time. He does not like to have to pause to be burped and lets us know it. He isn't sleeping great at night yet, and I spend a lot of the night on the couch with him with both of us dozing.
-My health is okay. My leg doesn't look as bad, so that is good. It still hurts A LOT and causes a lot of pain when I am on my feet too much. I still have a hard time walking while carrying Jaxson so Rob has to help me with that at times. My blood pressure was checked yesterday and was still high. Not quite sure why, but we'll continue to monitor it and take the medication. Supposedly, one of the best things for it is rest. HA! It causes me to have bad headaches a lot and just feel really weak and yuck. But I'm trying to just push through it. I really cannot handle much more of me being incapacitated!
So, that is the update on us. We take things day by day because quite honestly, things around here seem to be changing on an hourly basis. We appreciate the continued help, prayers, love, and well wishes for us. We have been really humbled through all of this.
Saturday March 8
9 hours ago
It sounds like things are a little better for you guys. I hope things continue to improve, and I really hope nobody else gets sick! Just try to take it easy, and ENJOY that sweet baby! I went to the madrigal reunion last night. Everyone missed you. I told them that you were busy with a brand new baby. It was pretty fun seeing everyone again, and the Gaileys are the just the same, and happy as ever. They said they are going to do it again, so hopefully you'll be able to go. Take care!
Wow, look at you trying to see the positive in all this!! Very impressive!! :) We will pray that no one else gets sick at your house. Love you all!
So does Jaxson use your antibodies in order not to get Hand Foot Mouth. It would be a terrible thing for him to get it this young right? Give cute Ashli a hug from "Sister Hatch" and tell her I hope she feels better.
Caleb said he saw Cayden at Scout Camp today. My son was the only one without a scout shirt I have been told...Oh well
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