-I am grateful for healthy children. In the past 2 weeks, we have dealt with hand foot mouth disease, stomach flu, jaundice, and strep throat. To say that I am grateful for healthy children, is an understatement! For the most part, we are all doing well. Ashlee is still getting back on her feet from an awful case of stomach flu, but they are all doing well.
-I am grateful that my big kids are good helpers. Cayden follows after his dad and takes good care of me. It is really sweet. The girls are also good helpers. McKell seems to have the magic touch with Jaxson and can get him all cuddled in and sleeping.
-I am grateful for Priesthood blessings. We have had quite a few over the past few weeks and I know they have helped. I am grateful for our neighbor who came quickly to give Ashlee a blessing with Rob when she was so sick.
-I am grateful for family and their love and support.
-I am grateful for our garden that has continued to grow, even though we haven't been doing much with it. Look what we had today!
-We are so very grateful for our sweet little baby boy who is healthy and doing well. He has already brought such a special spirit and so much love into our home. He is doing well and we all love him so much!
We continue to try and get back on our feet day by day. My health is not returning as quickly as I would like. I am very used to getting back on my feet rather quickly after having a baby. So this has been all so new to me and a real struggle. I am amazed at how my mind can be saying "go go go" and my body just does not comply. I am still incredibly weak and not feeling great. I know now that some of that is due to the fact that I hadn't fully gotten all my strength back after having the flu so bad before Jaxson was born. But every day I am trying to make progress. I can now at least carry Jaxson. I am working my way up to being able to lift Sadie.
This week will be a big transition as Rob goes back to work. He is off for a few more days and then will try half-days. I am so grateful for him and all he has done to pull our family through this tough time. Grateful indeed.
Love the pictures...I'm just dying to see Jaxson, seriously. I'm so impressed with your garden!
We have been keeping you in our prayers! We are grateful to have you as our friends!
He is precious! You have trained your "helpers" well.
I am glad you are all among the living! He is beautiful!!
i just read your last several months of posts; BUSY!
congrats on your beautiful son, sorry to hear about all the crazy at the same time.
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