I should be doing laundry, packing for the hospital, cleaning, etc. because tomorrow is the big day. Our little guy will be coming into the world. It seems like I have been pregnant forever, and yet somehow, this day has crept up on us! In my defense, he isn't due until July 15. So I thought we may have 2 more weeks. Then, a week ago, my OB scheduled me for a non-medical induction on July 8. So I thought I had 1 more week. Then, out of the blue, I puffed up and my blood pressure has continued to rise, so I found out on Monday that our little man will be here tomorrow. EEEK!
It is amazing the difference between your first baby and your fifth. I was thinking back to the day before Cayden was born. He was also induced so we knew we were going in. The day before, I had butterflies, I couldn't sleep, I was frantic trying to make sure everything was ready, etc. Fast forward 9 years to baby #5 and I'm surprisingly calm. Kind of eerily calm. We still haven't 100% decided on a name. I'm not packed for the hospital. I have a pile of laundry that needs to be done. And the house could use some tidying up. But I am not frantic or crazy. Things all have a way of working themselves out, right? I realized tonight that being a mother of almost 5 has forced me to just roll with the punches. I have thoroughly surrendered to the philosophy, "Come what may and love it". (Okay, I can't say that I always love it...or even like it, but it is still going to come, so may as well deal with it.) It's amazing how we change over the years.
I am truly grateful for my 4 amazing children. As I watched them play together today, I again realized how special and magnificant they are! I am blessed beyond words to have such wonderful children. They are over-the-moon excited for their new baby brother to be born tomorrow. We even made a "birthday cake" tonight to celebrate. They can't wait and love him so much already. I am also forever and eternally grateful for my wonderful Rob who is the best partner I could ask for. We are a great team and have always relied on each other through everything. It is fun to see his excitement for a new baby tomorrow. I'm sure some of that excitement has to be because he is getting another boy!
So, wish us luck tomorrow. We'll keep the blog updated and post any news as it happens!
Saturday March 8
9 hours ago
Good Luck! I will be waiting for an update!
Wahoo! Can't wait to hear the official news! Congratulations to you all!
Can't wait to see him! Good luck with everything. :)
I'll push with you! (In spirit!)
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