Holy cow it has been so long since I blogged. I would love to say that is because I was on a long exotic vacation or was doing something so exciting that I just couldn't blog. But that simply would not be true.
Since I last blogged many many things have happened so I am going to do a quick update. I'll try to post pictures later.
-Dance Recital Part 2 - As I wrote in an earlier post, the girls' dance recital got completely rained out. It was a completely nightmare. It was rescheduled for a week later. Unfortunately, the clouds starting looming that afternoon and about an hour before the recital was to start, we were in the middle of another typhoon! We waited in the car and little by little, the rain let up and we were able to do the recital. It was a little soggy and wet, but nothing we couldn't handle. I was again SO proud of my girls and their dance. They knew the steps and even though there were only 5 of them to perform, they did great! We were happy to have made it through the recital!
-Swim Lessons - Summer in our family means that it is time for swim lessons. We have done swim lessons at the West Jordan pool for the past 3 years. The kids love it, the teachers are great, and it is a great way to get the kids their exercise, wear them out, kill some time, and help them learn. This year proved a challenge though because Sadie is now very mobile and loves the water. She is too young for official lessons and because I am super pregnant, I was dreading chasing her around each day while the kids were in the pool. The first day of swim lessons, I was ready to fall over from exhaustion from chasing her. Then I realized there was a "Mommy and me" class at the same time as the other kids' lessons. For the record, if you would have told me that I would be getting in a public pool at 8 months pregnant on a daily basis, I would have told you that you were nuts. But it is amazing what you will do for some sanity and for your kids. So, on day 2 of swim lessons, there I was in my maternity swim suit (very hot!) with Sadie in tow. I have to say that a lot of my "courage" came from another mom, who's daughter is in Cayden's school class. She was just as preggo as me and not self conscious at all about being in the pool. I am so grateful to her for her example. We got in the pool and it felt SO good to me! It took so much of the weight off of my back from my ever growing belly and I was so grateful that I decided to do it. Since then, Sadie and I have been swim partners and loving every day. Sadie is getting more and more comfortable in the water and now stands on the side and says "Ready...set...go" and then jumps in. It has actually worked out great all around.
-The N1H1 virus aka "swine flu" - So my kids got out of school on a Friday. I was really gearing up for grand plans of what we were going to do together. I knew it was going to be difficult because I was growing more preggo every day, but I still was determined to have fun with the kids and make it a fun summer break. Fast forward to the following Monday. I started feeling a little under the weather. Like the early stages of a cold. I didn't think much of it. By Wednesday, I had completely lost my voice, had a horrible cough, cold, and body aches. I could hardly move I was so sick. I called Rob at work to have him come home early and I curled up on the couch until he came home to rescue me. I called my OB to find out what I should do. He was out of the office for the week, so I talked to an on call nurse. She told me in no uncertain terms that it sounded like I had swine flu. I was somewhat shocked at that diagnosis and immediately concerned. I asked if I should get tested and she told me it wouldn't matter because there wasn't anything they could do for me because I was pregnant. So, I hunkered down and tried to "will" myself better. I can honestly say that I do not remember a time that I have been so sick. My chest hurt, I was in pain, I couldn't sleep, etc. and I was worried about my unborn baby boy and the toll this was taking on him. My wonderful knight in shining armor, Rob, was a saint. He took work off to be with the kids, held down the fort, and took care of me. He was so sweet and caring and I couldn't have done it without him. By Saturday, I was having problems breathing and my heart was racing. I was about to go to the ER when I realized that I hadn't asked for a Priesthood Blessing. My sweet dad came up within hours and he and Rob gave me a beautiful blessing. I was reassured that I would be okay as would the baby. I was feeling quite a bit better by that evening. My ward caught wind of what was going on and within a matter of a few minutes of a sign up sheet going around Relief Society, we had meals for the whole week coming in. I have never been so grateful for this service! On Monday, I called my regular doctor just to see what he thought. He had me come right in. I tested negative for swine flu, but he told me that the test was only about 70% accurate and he felt that I should be treated for it anyway. When I told him what the OB nurse had said, he looked at me like I was nuts. He informed me that I was actually considered "high risk" and should have been put on anti-viral medication immediately. It made me so grateful that I was being watched over and that nothing more serious had happened to me or the baby. I started Tami-flu that day and started feeling better. I am amazed that even though the actual symptoms have been long gone, I am still struggling to get my strength back from this illness. I am more than ready to be back to "normal".
-Happy 13th Anniversary - I was smack in the middle of my flu epidemic when our 13 year anniversary hit. Not that it would have mattered much. Rob and I made a decision a few months ago, after a pretty pathetic Valentines, that all other holidays until the baby is born don't count. We will celebrate them after the baby is born. So far we have Mother's Day, Father's Day, our anniversary, and Rob's birthday all chalked up.
-"The Horse Party" - Every year for the past few years, Rob's sister, Lori, has hosted a family party at their little farm in Hooper. They have 2 horses as well as a few other animals. My kids LOVE this party. They saddle up the horses and let the kids ride as much as they want. For my kids, it is heaven! Unfortunately, this year, the weather wasn't cooperating so they didn't get to ride at all. They did get to feed the horses and play and have a yummy BBQ. We will head back to Hooper on another sunnier day to ride.
-The appearance of the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Woman-I have been relatively un-swollen this pregnancy. My feet hadn't turned into "biscuits", I hadn't gained a ton of water weight etc. like in my past pregnancies. I thought I was doing okay. Then, out of the blue, I puffed up like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man - all in one day! It happened to be Father's Day and by that night, my feet no longer fit in my flip flops, I was miserable, and everything seemed swollen. It didn't help that while at my parents' home for Father' Day, Sadie followed me out in the front yard and went running towards the road. I was the only one out front with her so I had to actually run up the long driveway to catch her before she reached the very busy Redwood Road. I don't think I will ever be the same.
-Father's Day - I had grand plans to do a wonderful and beautiful post about my fantastic husband who is the best dad around. It was going to be elaborate and sentimental and sappy. Yeah, didn't happen. Suffice it to say, we had a nice Father's Day. I made him yummy crepes and bacon for brunch, the kids sang to him in church, he got to take a long nap, and I made him one of his favorite Sunday meals - chicken enchiladas. He got some new clothes, some of his favorite treats, and a cheesecake. The girls made him cards in primary. He said it was a great Father's Day. I hope so.
-OB Appointment - toxemia alert - After my swelling up weekend, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at my OB appointment a few days later to find that I was experiencing some of the early signs of toxemia. My blood pressure had gone up considerably to 140/88. I was still swollen and retaining water. And I had gained 5 lbs in one week...all water. This put me on the "toxemia border". I had toxemia with Cayden and the twins and was induced early with all of them. But Sadie broke the mold and I was perfectly fine with her. Not a sign of toxemia. Apparently, she will be my only baby that I don't have toxemia with because from all indications I am on the road to another induction.
-A house of order...almost - With the looming possibility of an early induction, it put me into full blown "nesting" mode. The good news is that because Sadie is still so young, only 22 months, we still have most of our baby stuff out and set up. This past Friday, my sweet mom came up to help me out. Getting a bad case of the N1H1 flu a few weeks before delivering a new baby plus kids home for summer vacation can make for a VERY messy house, a lot of clutter, and PLENTY of laundry. I was so appreciative of my mom coming and helping me out. We made quite a dent in things, including all of the laundry. I was exhausted by the end of it, but it was worth it to have it done. We even got the changing table organized, stocked, and ready for a new baby. On Saturday, I continued the organizing process by getting the baby's clothes organized, making room in Sadie's closet to now share with her new brother, etc. It was so nice to have done. There is still a lot to do, but I am not going to stress about it. It will come in time.
Saturday March 8
9 hours ago
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