What a crazy time of year it is! There are so many things going on right now with the end of school, soccer, dance recitals, scouts, piano recitals, family things, etc. etc. It is just a nutty time. And the day I have dreaded AND looked forward to for quite sometime, is hitting tomorrow...the last day of school. The kids are ecstatic and can't wait for summer break. They have all sorts of things planned and are really looking forward to it. I, on the other hand, have mixed feelings. I am so relieved to not have to get up so early (if Sadie will comply with that idea), not rush in the morning, not have endless amounts of homework, etc. But I am dreading the extra messes, having to entertain, etc. To make matters more challenging, I am now entering my last month of pregnancy and am struggling on a daily basis just to function, so adding 3 more kids to the mix all day is going to prove very difficult. All of these things have been racing through my mind for some time now.
What didn't occur to me until just this week, is that my daily "Sadie time" is coming to an end and will never happen again. Right now, after I drop the kids off at school, it is just me and my girl, Sadie. We do chores together, read, play, etc. and I have truly loved this past year having that daily time with just her and me. She is honestly such a joy in my life and I am so grateful for the blessing that she is to me and our family. McKell said to me a few days ago, "Mom, do you know what makes our family so great?" I asked her what. She said, "It's Sadie. She makes everyone happy and makes our family better!" I thought that was so sweet and so very true.
But after tomorrow, my "Sadie Days" are done. I will have all of the kids home for the summer and by the time they go back to school, we will have a new little brother joining Sadie and I during the day. It will never again just be me and her. It makes me very sad to see this time coming to an end. But I am grateful that, for the most part, I have treasured each day with her and tried to really enjoy her and not let her grow up too fast. I must admit that I am looking forward to Sadie having a little brother so close to her in age that she can play with. It is the main reason we had this baby so soon after Sadie - so they could be close in age and play together etc. Hopefully that will work out! LOL!
So tomorrow I will enjoy my last few hours with just me and my sweet Sadie Jayne. The laundry will have to wait, the chores will be there another day. Because tomorrow I will be too busy for all of that. Busy reading, playing, and snuggling with my little girl.
I guess that is true, your last "only" days with Sadie because once the big kids go back to school you will have your baby. Enjoy!
Ashleigh had one sad 1st grade teacher today. How could any of us not fall in love with her, But Mrs. Riches especially could not hold back the tears. Your kids will be missed this summer. I will keep everyone up to date by following your blogging adventures.
Good for you!! Oh how I love to relish in moments like that...you know, "my moments."
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