So as I posted, it was the girls' big dance recital last night. I already posted about the actual event and all that took place. Overall, we were so proud of the girls and can't wait to see part 2 of the recital next week. They are so excited to do their "Lollipop" dance.
But by last night, I was truly stunned and perplexed by the human race. It was one of the most odd days I had ever had in dealing with people. I felt like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone or something. Here are a few examples of why I felt this way.
1. Rob, bless his heart, went straight to the Sandy Amphitheater right from work so he could get seats for us. We were told by our dance teacher that we couldn't save seats from the morning rehearsal, but never even thought there would be an issue if we came early that night. Rob got there at 5:20 and stood in line for 40 minutes waiting for the gates to open. He went in and found a good spot. There was 1 woman sitting on the row, and because he is a considerate person, he asked her if she needed any seats before he put his things down to save his seats for his family. This is where we entered the "cuckoo land". She quickly informed Rob that "we're not allowed to save seats." Rob was confused, but asked again if she needed any seats for her family (keeping in mind that people are now pouring in and taking any other good seats.) She again told him that she had been told by an announcement that there was no saving of seats and even though she had her whole family coming, she wasn't going to break the rules. Rob, who is a very logical thinker, couldn't even wrap his brain around this. He looked around at the countless number of people who had saved seats for their families, and then looked at her, and gave up. He started putting his blankets down for the 7 seats that we needed and this crazy woman went and "told" on him to one of the amphitheater staff. No, I am not kidding. (These staff people were not from our dance company - they were there from the amphitheater staffing. Our dance teacher is AWESOME and very laid back and logical.) The worker came to Rob and told him that it was true, it was policy, he wasn't allowed to save seats. Poor Rob was now dealing with 2 crazy women. He said to them, "Fine, I will take my stuff down as soon as you enforce this policy with every other person in here that is doing the exact same thing." Good for him! At this point he called me and told me to get there as quickly as possible. It went back and forth quite a few times until we showed up and could occupy our own seats. Thank heavens we got their before the crazy lady's family did...otherwise, it could have gotten ugly. When they did show up, it still wasn't pretty because "crazy lady" told them that we had stolen their seats. Oh well. Rob tried to be nice. So, that is incident number one. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. To make it more interesting, come to find out that "crazy lady" is actually one of my sister's best friends. I didn't even recognize her and Rob hadn't had a chance to tell me what had happened before the recital started. As we walked by her, she grabbed both mine and Rob's hands and said, "I think we should be best friends!" Yes, she was serious and yes, I was startled and afraid. Can you hear the Twilight Zone music yet?
2. This incident I will call "Don't mess with Mama Bear...especially a pregnant Mama Bear". Most of the girls sat with their individual classes. But because of a shortage of mom helpers in Ashlee and McKell's class, and because Ashlee is such a wildcard at things like this, I told their teacher that I would just have them sit with me. But when we first got there, WAY before the recital started, the girls wanted to say hello to the other girls in their class. No big deal right? Wrong. Next thing I know, some crochity old lady is grabbing Ashlee by the arm of one of the steps of the stage and is yelling at McKell. I ran down the steps as fast as my preggo body would let me and asked what was wrong. This awnry old woman was just all befuddled because my girls weren't sitting down with their class and according to her, "This one (Ashlee) is being VERY defiant. Yeah, lady, I would be defiant too if some crazy old bat was grabbing my arm and yelling at me! To make it even worse, she was trying to get them to sit in the 2 remaining seats that had a huge puddle of spilled coke underneath it! Hello! White ballet shoes and a puddle of Coke are not a good combination. This woman was seriously a crazy bat. She just kept yapping at me while I tried to get the girls back up to our seats. I finally turned to her and told her to relax and that I had it covered.
3. Not more than 20 minutes later, again before the concert began, Ashlee went back down to tell one of her friends something. Next thing I see, crazy old batty lady has her by the arm again and Ashlee finally pulls away and runs. At this point, the Pregnant Mama Bear emerges. I meet this woman and stop her in her tracks (I could honestly hear the music from the Wicked Witch of the West from Wizard of Oz playing at this point.) I said very bluntly to her, "Is there a problem!?" She, all flustered and befuddled again, says, "She needs to be with her class!" To which I very loudly replied, "Actually, she doesn't. What she needs is for you to leave her alone. I am her mother and you need to back! She is supposed to be with me, and as I told you before, I am her mother and will handle it. But I am telling you right now....leave her alone!" She seemed very shocked and insulted. Oh well. Of course Ashlee had to get her two cents in and walks right up to her and says, "And by the way, you are a VERY grumpy lady!" Can't argue with that, right? My poor girls were traumatized by this whacky old woman. As McKell put it, very matter of factly, "Mom, I think that woman was just an awnry old hag. I hope that even though she is old, that she isn't a grandma because she is not nice!" Well said, McKell. Well said.
4. When the huge storm hit and we decided to get the girls under shelter, I quickly ran to the backstage entrance. I was met by a large group of wet, soggy parents who were not happy. I must have looked confused because one of the moms said, "They won't let us in to get our kids." What!? Again, this is not our dance group who was doing this, but the staff. They must have seen that I actually had my girls with me and let me in. What is up with that? How do you tell a group of parents that they can't be with their children in a very unsettling and scary situation!? As soon as the crazy old man at the door walked away, all of the parents poured in and found their kids. This was the final straw of the night. I just sat there, dripping, dazed, and confused at the human race.
There was a very odd vibe in the air last night. Everything was not aligned in the universe or something. I was waiting for Ashton Kucher to pop out and tell me I was being Punk'd...never happened.
Thank goodness today was more normal. All of the crazies must have gone back to their convention and I was left to what I consider my normal world.
Saturday March 8
10 hours ago
do-do-do-do--- yes, very Twilight Zone-ey! However, I am glad you told that old lady off! I wish I was prego and could use it as the excuse for why I do things like that! I was so shy and polite growing up- I have decided I am not going to let people walk over me anymore and I speak my mind ALL the freaking time now. People are afraid of me, I think! :)
Still laughing that you use the word crochity. My family uses that all the time! LOL! Something is definitely in the air lately, I've been dealing with a few crazies myself. I do not get people and how they can make everything about them, seems like people just want to be miserable and try to make everyone around them that way too! So, good for you for putting them in their place!
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