Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Watch out Nancy Pelosi...Sadie is on her way!
Random Photos
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Mommy Moments
Cayden is still "in love". Apparently, this is something going around his class...kind of like the flu. He had his culminating event for his 3rd grade class this week. They have been studying Native America and did a bunch of really cool projects, songs, etc. They had an "art gallery" with all of the work they had done. Each child was a "tour guide" for their parents and took them through and told them about each thing. Cayden was in the height of his glory! He knew every little fact about everything. He reminds me SO much of Rob when he is doing things like this - he gets so passionate and excited to share what he has learned...just like his dad. It is uncanny. He continues to have a little more of an attitude than I would like so we are working on that and his temper. Ashlee is doing much better at school. After I visited the school a few weeks back, helped them initiate a new reward program, etc. she has been a ton better. She really is a smart little girl and amazes me with how much she knows. She is reading really well and did great on her habitats oral report on Prairie Dogs. She has had a really hard time with me being released as the primary president. She leaves me pictures, stuffed animals, etc. and is telling me frequently that she is sorry and sad I'm not the primary president any more. Who knows what that means in Ashlee's mind. McKell also did great on her habitat report on the prairie dog. She is doing super at school and has beautiful penmanship and loves to read. She is our little mommy and helps me a lot. Sadie keeps us all laughing and on our toes. She has quite a little attitude and is SO loud. She will vocalize when she is not happy about something. She has become quite a climber lately - climbing on the table, benches, open dishwasher, etc. None of my kids have been quite as into climbing as Sadie. She is a sweet little baby and love to give hugs and say "awwww" when she does. She waves good-bye and can point to most of the parts on her body. She is my big helper and helps me unload the dishwasher every morning. She hands me a dish at a time and won't take a step towards me, just leans as far as she can and grunts like she is lifting the heaviest item in the world. She cracks us up. She is getting 2 molars and 2 eye teeth right now. OUCH! She took me for an adventure today by pulling my Scentsy warmer off the piano, spilling red cinnamon wax all over her hair, the wall, the carpet, and the piano. My biggest concern was her hair and scalp. Fortunately, the wax wasn't hot enough to burn her, but it did set up in her hair and scalp. After a few different attempts, I tried a warm blow dryer and comb and was able to get it out. I'm still trying to figure out the walls, carpet, piano, etc. Baby #5, which we now know is a boy, is doing great. He is moving all over and growing well. We are excited to start getting our "boy stuff" out again. It has been 9 years since we've had a baby boy, so this seems kind of strange and new. I am hoping to be coming out of the sick stage. I am still taking my Zofran each night, but trying to not take it during the day. I just really need to have some energy and not be sick. I have so much to do! My back unfortunately has started to act up - I know this is because the baby is getting bigger. So, that's the mommy moments for this week.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
It's a boy!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Get your guesses in...
Do you think it is a boy or a girl? Get your guesses in before Thursday morning. While you're at it, please throw in some name ideas while you're guessing.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Valentines Day...then and now...

This is the same year at Rob's brother's wedding.
This was Valentines in our new home in Utah. The girls were 3 and Cayden was 5. They had a great time decorating sugar cookies.
This year was Sadie's first Valentines. She was just 6 months old and as you can see, Daddy's little Valentine.
Which brings us to this year. We had a great Valentines Day. We actually had my niece's birthday party here during the day. That evening, we went to Chilis as a family and then came home to Valentines surprises!
Rob surprised me with flowers and a really sweet card. At the end, it had a little note asking me to "pick one" - a marquis cut or a round cut for my wedding ring. (I lost my original stone a few years ago on the beach in CA and haven't had a ring ever since. He has called a few jewelers and it looks like I may finally get a new ring!)
Our cute girls with their flowers from Daddy. Rob gives them flowers each year which I think is so sweet. Cayden loved helping him give them out.
Little Sadie with her first flowers from Daddy. (Last year she was still too young...probably would have just eaten them!)
His wife AND his girlfriend...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Valentines Baking
The Final Product
Today, it was time to do my treats for the kids school teachers, primary teachers, scout leaders, etc. I hadn't done these for a while, but they turned out really cute. You basically make a normal recipe of Rice Krispie Treats. I add red food coloring for fun. Then, you press them into a Tupperware funnel and dump them out and they are the shape of a Hershey Kiss! I wrapped them in plastic wrap and then made little "Hershey tags" of my own and wrapped them in foil. Just a fun little Valentine's gift.
Here's what they look like right out of the funnel mold.
And here is the final product wrapped in foil and a little tag attached.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The alien we call Cayden...
I did have a very proud moment with him yesterday. He is reading "The Spiderwick Chronicles" and came to me yesterday very distraught. He said that he loved this book but that there were some words in it that he knew weren't right like "the 'a word', and the Lord's name in vein". I told him I would look at the rest of the book and see if it was okay to read. Meanwhile, he drafts a full blown letter all on his own to the author of the book saying that some of the language in his book is "inaproput" (inappropriate) and if he doesn't stop writing books with bad language, that he won't read them any more. He did the whole thing on his own with no prompting from me and I was quite proud. My little activist for good!
Finally, last night, when I came to bed, there was a note on my bed from him. It reads:
"Mom, I am sorry that you are sick. I think that must be the last straw for you. Is it? (circle yes or no). Anyway, I hope you are better tomorrow. But wait...just to let you remember, because you really forget, I have scouts. I hope I don't have any homework on Wednesday. Finally I can catch up on some other work. Tomorrow is a bery busy day so you better get your sleep. Good night. I love you. Sincerely, Cayden."
I guess I'll keep him...even if he is an alien.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Too many fairies?

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Yes, I am a Mormon woman...