Our sweet little Sadie Jayne turned two years old on August 20. I cannot believe she is already two! She has grown up so much and is getting too big way too fast! I love this stage of being somewhat verbal and total personality! Sadie is a true joy in our family. She brings us so much happiness, laughter, and fun. We have always said that she is the ray of sunshine in our home. Happy Birthday sweet little Sadie Jayne!

Sadie got her own little stroller and baby doll. She is quite a little mommy.

Blowing out the candles on her yummy strawberry pink birthday cake.

And because she is now two, she apparently feels the need to act like a two year old. She loves to dress up, wear headbands, and experiment new things. Kind of like putting EVERY possible thing imaginable in the toilet until it was filled to the top, including brushes, hair bows, our phone, etc. etc. Oh the joys of a two year old!
It was good to catch up with you at church yesterday! Wow! I can't believe she is 2. I thought her and Carter were a little closer in age than that... but I guess I was wrong. He is also, throwing everything imaginable in the toilet. Isn't that one of the most frustrating things?! lol...
Two years old? Really. I swear you were just pregant trying to organize the primary program...good times!
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