So on Sunday, I taught Relief Society. I was subbing for one of the sisters in our ward and taught the lesson about the divine organization of the Relief Society. We talked a lot about being more of a sisterhood and helping each other and being there for each other. We also talked about how we all seem to think we are the only ones who have bad days, hard times, difficult children, etc. but of course, that isn't true. We all have these problems. Afterwards, I had a few sisters tell me that they felt this way and it felt like we, as women, tend to always put our best moments out there for the world to see (like on Facebook, blogs, etc.) as if to prove that we have it all together. We tend to measure our own personal "worsts" with other women's "bests". I have done this myself. But no more.
So, for the record. I don't have it all together...I don't even have it almost all together. Most of the time I feel like a crazy lunatic running at a frantic pace that I can't keep up with. I try to keep my house clean, but my version of clean is probably not up to the standard of others. But I figure with 5 young children, I am doing good as long as the health department isn't called, right? I usually feel like I am coming up short when it comes to my parenting and beat myself up all the time about this. I am not good at Visiting Teaching. I need to lose the "baby weight" that has never gone away after 5 kids. I am horrible at reading my scriptures and need to be better. I yell at my kids too much. I don't take enough time for myself and the things that I enjoy doing. I have major trust issues. I am SO behind on my scrapbooking...Sadie and Jaxson don't even have scrapbooks! I can't bake a good batch of chocolate chip cookies. I wish I had hardwood floors, light fixtures, backyard landscaping, a trailer, and a new kitchen table. It usually takes me about 3 days to finally get all of the laundry done each week. I am pretty much addicted to Diet Coke to get me through the day due to major sleep deprivation with a newborn. Currently Sadie has an awful smelling poopy diaper that I am procrastinating changing.
So, there you have it. Let's just be real and realize that no woman is perfect. No woman always has it all together. We all have bad days and good days and it would sure be a better world if we could turn to each other as women to build each other up, rather than being in competition with each other and an unrealistic and unattainable life. 'Nuff said.
Saturday March 8
9 hours ago
ditto except I'm putting off cleaning the house because i'm considering that it might not be so bad if social services came in and took me away for a few nights... JK of course. LOVE these kids.
Very well said! I think we can all take something valuable from your comments today. We all suffer from the "wonder woman" syndrome in one way or another. Why do we do that anyway? Sure causes us a lot of stress doesn't it?
Damn girl! Let it out! At least you always look hot doing it!
p.s. I swear like a sailor!
Man, my list could be longer than, we even compete with the bad It is hard not to feel like you have to be perfect. I just have to remember that is not what we are going to be judged on someday...and that helps. I think you are great! You do so many good things, that we don't even notice the things you don't do. Keep it up lady! Thanks for the "realistic" post. :)
I think I am in love with you. Will you marry me?
Wow, you really are pathetic! JK! LOL- I agree. We compare ourselves way too much. My house is a complete mess right now, because I just don't feel like cleaning it! It was clean like yesterday, but you would never know it today!
I love this post! You are hilarious, but so honest. Just so you know...... I swear too much, I tend to vent a little too much to others when I'm mad about something or mad at someone. I love to scrapbook, but like you, am so far behind. Gavin keeps asking where his scrapbook is. I totally SUCK at organizing paper work. I have piles on my counter, I have boxes of it down in my basement. I always think I'm going to need certain papers, then NEVER end up needing them. I have too much credit card debt. Some of it isn't our fault, but at least half of it is. I have horendous stretch marks on my stomach! I rarely read my scriptures. I spend way too much time on FB and watching trashy reality tv shows! I could go on. But, you get it. I'm so glad we've become friends! Thanks for sharing your feelings!
Goodness Marci- you mean to say you are HUMAN? Very well said...why we beat ourselves up anyway? It's in our nature to grasp onto our negatives and we do so much good! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the post! I totally agree it is way easy to judge ourselves too much. Thanks for this post! I wish Carter would have let me come to your lesson. I think I am going to copy you and do a similar post =D
Marci, seriously, I have NEVER loved you more than after reading this post!! Bless your wretched, hag soul.
I really appreciated this post. It's great, so true. And for heaven's sake give yourself some slack my dear! I suffer from lack of cookie talent too. But I discovered something. I was using old refridgerated baking soda, no more, and my first batch of pumpkin cookies came out great the other day. I almost jumped for joy. Instead I just started popping them in my mouth!I also realized my pampered chef stone isn't cured enough.
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