Another year has come and gone at Fish Lake. This year was very interesting and not the best Fish Lake trip we've ever had...but they can't all be great, right? Sometimes you have to have years that aren't great so you can appreciate the times that are wonderful, right? It made it a little tricky doing Fish Lake with a 2 year old and a 2 month old....plus the 3 older kids. Rob stayed in a little Cabin with Jaxson and I stayed in my parents' old trailer with the other 4. It was exhausting, but all in all, the kids had a great time! (Photo above-our Sunday Dutch Oven potluck desserts. YUM!)

Madi and Jaxson

Me and my sweet little Jaxson boy

Jay and Mel

These are "stacked rocks" at Fish Lake. Growing up, our parents always told us of these rocks that the Indians had stacked.

Sadie LOVED being in the outdoors! She didn't ride her bike as much as she just pulled it around...and of course had to wear a helmet just like the big kids!

Jaxson loved the fresh air. He took great naps wherever and whenever he could

Daddy and Jaxson

Our first night fishing. It was COLD, but McKell got all bundled up and fished like a champ!

Cayden the might fisherman

Aunt Miki is quite a fishing pro and Ashlee loves Miki so much. Miki let Ashlee reel in this fish the first night we were there.

A beautiful full moon coming up over Fish Lake

Hot Dog roast with Gage and Scott

McKell and Ian

Jakob and Kjaisa

Cute couple! Paul and Miriam

Eating lunch in the back of Grandpa's truck

Ashlee loved fishing...and usually named and hugged every fish she caught.

This is classic of McKell - her face when I told her she had to help me get a worm to put on her hook.

Uncle Jay is the BEST! He and Cayden have a special relationship and have so much fun together. He was Cayden's official fishing buddy and they had a great time together!

Jaydee, Ashlee, and McKell at Mill Meadow

We mostly only caught perch at Mill Meadow Res. But McKell was thrilled when she actually caught this big trout!

Fishing at Mill Meadow

Sadie and Grandma throwing rocks and sticks in the lake.

We always have a big dutch oven potluck dessert on Sunday. Yummy!

Mel and Ringo

Paul and Jakob enjoying their dutch oven desserts

Crazy girls!

Kyle and Ian

Scott, Tiff,and Baby Nate

Sweet Lexi Lou

Jared's GQ pose

Michelle and Jules

Good buddies - Jakob and Cayden

TROUBLE! Alex, Jordan, and Mel

Oh, how sweet? Brian and Marilyn enjoying their desserts

Sweet little Jaxson asleep in Grandma's trailer

The ones who started it all! My parents

This was quite a monumental year at Fish Lake because ALL 9 kids were there. We of course had to get a picture! (Me, Mel, Scott, Michelle, Shawn, Dad, Mom, Jay, Marilyn, Miki, and Miriam)

My awesome brothers

Dad and the boys

Just the girls

I love my big brother Jay!

Michelle and sweet "little" Korbin

This kid is just too cute for words!

Olivia and Kjaisa

Our cute cheerleaders

Best friends - Mary, Jaydee, McKell, and Ashlee

Marilyn and Miriam

I Love Jason!
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