We had the annual Neilson Family Halloween party at our home again this year and it was a blast! We had yummy soup that everyone brought, donuts, and homemade root beer. It is one of my favorite events! The picture above is of our family. We make quite a festive group!

Poor little Korbin didn't want to wear Jay's awful wig!

The piggy getting his groove on!

Wow, now THAT is true love!

We always tend to have way too much fun with the costumes!

Delicious soups!

Elise and Braden came all the way from Virginia!

So GROSS! Ian and Heidi took the prize for the most disgusting!

The two pink friends

The Quists

Elise and cute little pumpkin Braden

Heather, Mary and Ben

Becca and Madi - Risky Business

Isn't he just the cutest little devil!?

Look at those thighs!

Michelle and Family

Jaxson and Madi

Looks like JuliAnn got knocked up by the milkman! (She really is pregnant with their first baby!)

Lexi and Korbin

Jay won the prize for the best costume for sure! He always shocks and amazes us with his creativity. This year he dressed up as the Swine Flu. Those are little piggies on the front of him. And of course he had to wear Mexican poncho and sombrero to honor the swine flu origin. So disturbing!