This year, Rob's sister Nena and her husband Bryan did the Peacock Family Reunion. To say that is was amazing would be an understatement! Above is the awesome cabin that we stayed in. We headed to Heber and had a total of 3 cabins, with the main cabin being about 5,000 square feet. We did all of our meals, games, etc. together in the main cabin. Bryan and Nena did a TON of work to make this a great reunion. They did all of the meals (YUM!) and had great activities and games. It was one of the best reunions we have ever had!
Cute Christian
Sweet little Jaxson boy got spoiled being held so much by everyone
Juliann - the hag
Brian and Suzanne
James and Brooke getting in some practice for their own baby someday
Jeff and Lori
Me and Rob
Grandpa and Grandma Peacock
McKell loves her daddy!
One of the higlights was the pool tables. They were always in use. This is Cayden with some of his Peacock cousins.
Jeff and Brooke
Good buddies - Cayden and his Grandpa
Brooke and Lori
Two of the most AWESOME people I know - Bryan and Nena. They did a GREAT job on the reunion!
Sadie was in rare form at the reunion. She was quite the little clown. We cracked up at her "morning hair" on Saturday. Everyone said she looked like a "Hoo down in Hoo-Ville" She especially took a liking to Bryan, who did the cooking. She would yell "Bynee" and give him big hugs. (She's no dummy. She knows how to get food!)
We had a projection TV in our Cabin so the kids got to have movie parties every night. They thought this was great!
"I want to take dance class like McKell! You know, it's REALLY boring just being a NORMAL person!" - Ashlee after McKell's Christmas dance recital
"Mommy, I think you were much better before you got married. You had bangs, you were a little prettier, and you weren't exhausted all the time." - McKell
Mommy, God just told me that Baby Jesus has a new baby brother. His name is Eggroll. - Ashlee
Cayden - "Mommy, I am very concerned that Santa is really you." Mommy "Cayden, you know what happens to kids that don't believe in Santa. They get nothing." Cayden "That's why I said I was CONCERNED, not that I didn't believe!"
"SERIOUSLY!" - Marci's response to just about everything
"Mommy, I really need some 'relastics' for my hair! - Ashlee
"Brothers don't shake hands...Brother's gotta HUG!" - Rob and his dork brother Jon every time they see each other!
"Mommy, I really think it might be easier just to keep a baby in your tummy. She was MUCH easier to take care of in there!" - McKell
Love all the updates and pictures! I agree, this year's reunion was awesome. :)
Thanks for taking so many good pictures! Gives us a better feel for what it might have been like. Glad it was fun!
Wow! You got a ton of pictures!! :)
Peacocks know how to have fun!! :)
Looks like you guys had a good time. your family looks like fun. =) Hey, congrats on the new calling, it's perfect for you. =)
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