Jaxson does NOT like bath time. He hates to be naked and hates to be uncovered. He especially hates bath time. He doesn't mind getting his hair washed, but doesn't like being in the water at all. His first bath involved a lot of crying, splashing, and getting me wet! But there really is nothing like that clean baby smell after lots of baby lotion.

Tolerating getting his hair washed.

Here he is all nice and clean. What a cute boy!
Oh I so love a freshly bathed newborn with tons of lotion. Nothing smells better or is more fun to cuddle! What a cutie!
YOU WON! Go to my blog you lucky lady! I will work out delivery of your swag as soon as I get it ready!
So precious! You are going to need to let me help you babysit him! I am starting to feel a little baby hungry but definately dont want to go through pregnancy again anytime soon! So... anytime you need a break... seriously I am happy to help, you would be doing us both a favor ;)
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