Just a few random pictures and thoughts over the past month. Sadie has gotten used to playing with the bigger kids now. I am going to miss their help when they go back to school. One day, I was feeding Jaxson and asked the kids to play with Sadie. A few minutes later, she came down looking like this. SO cute! gotta love dress up time!

I love seeing my older kids bond with their baby brother. Jaxson is very sweet and patient and loves nothing more than to be held and cuddled. I always have a willing volunteer when I ask for someone to help hold him. I had to capture this special moment of Ashlee and Jaxson. She loves him so much and was singing to him. I love that he is looking up at her and listening to every word.

I celebrated my birthday in July. The big 37! The night before my birthday, we went as a family to Texas Roadhouse. It was SO yummy and Rob even ordered Prime Rib for me - my favorite! On Sunday, my birthday, Rob made it a special day and pampered me a lot. I got a yummy breakfast, a nice nap, and then dinner at my mom's. That evening, I got a special birthday surprise when a big thunderstorm rolled in. We sat in my parent's backyard on the covered back porch and watched the storm come in. I explained the "lightning game" as I had played it as a child with my grandma. When the lightning strikes, you start counting until the thunder hits. That is how many miles away the lightning was. I just LOVE summer thunderstorms, especially at my parent's home. I was in heaven! To make it even better, the power got knocked out. I know that may sound silly, but as a child, I used to love it when we would have a big storm and then the power would go out. We would get out the flashlights, candles, and kerosene lanterns. It was a great birthday. Later in the week, my parents watched the kids (we took the baby) and Rob and I went on an actual date! We had dinner at Olive Garden. It was so nice to get away just us!

I still owe ya dinner...
Fun! I love birthday's!
Cute! I love playing the Lightning game too. I also love when the power goes out and we tell scary stories. Happy Birthday!
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