When I was a little girl, when anyone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would always say that I wanted to be a mom. I spent hours playing with my dolls in the basement - feeding them, changing them, taking them on walks in the baby stroller, etc.
I feel that it is an amazing blessing that my dream to be a mom has come true. I was over the moon ecstatic on a beautiful fall day in November of 1999 when the doctor placed a beautiful baby boy in my arms. And I felt twice blessed on a warm spring afternoon in May of 2002 when I became the mother of not just one beautiful baby girl, but two. Five years later, on a gorgeous summer evening in August of 2007, I was again blessed with a special little baby girl. And just this past year, in July 2009, I had a beautiful little blue-eyed boy placed in my arms and became a mom for the 5th time.
To me, being a mother isn't something that I do, it is something that I am. I am not the best mom in the world and there are days that I feel like the worst mom in the world! But I try every day to be the best mom that I can to my kids. I know with no doubt that they were entrusted to me by God and that there was no mistake that they were sent to me.
I am eternally grateful for the gift of being a mother. I love watching my children grown and learn, whether that is learning to take a first step, or learning how to do long division. I love watching their unique personalities form and to see them interact with one another and those around them. I love the gummy smiles, sticky hugs, countless drawings and paintings, and the priceless hand written notes that they give me. I love that no matter how old they get, they still need mommy to tuck them in, give them a kiss and hug, and love to snuggle with me.
So when Mother's Day comes around each year, I look at it a little differently. Rather than celebrating me on that day, I celebrate and give thanks for the gift that I have been given. The gift of motherhood.
Every year, Rob and the kids usually spoil me with a delicious breakfast, a yummy dinner, and I get the day off to rest, nap, etc. And then we go to my mom and dad's house to have strawberry shortcake. This year, we had 2 extra reasons to celebrate on that day - it was also McKell and Ashlee's 8th birthday.
It was a very special day and as I tucked each of my 5 precious treasures into bed, I again gave thanks to God that I am a mom.
Me and my 5 beautiful kids - Cayden Robert age 10, Ashlee Jo & McKell Elizabeth age 8,
Sadie Jayne age 2, and Jaxson William age 10 months.
Mother's Day at my parents'. Jordan, practicing his golf swing.
Kyle helping Cayden on his golfing skills.
Sadie LOVES to dress up and she LOVES to dance. So when my mom bought her this fluffy purple and pink tu-tu, she was in heaven!! She would not take it off for days! Gotta love a little girl in a tu-tu!!

This is a priceless photo of me and my beautiful mom. She is an amazing mother and a great example. She raised 9 children and spent many of those difficult years as a young mother on her own while my dad was working full time, going to college, and was in the US Air Force. I don't know how she did it. I am so grateful that we have a great relationship and she is truly one of my best friends.
What a very special Mother's Day for my sweet niece, Jewels.
This is her first official Mother's Day since becoming a mom to this adorable baby boy, Miles.

This is a pretty normal look for Shawn on a Sunday. The life of a bishop is pretty exhausting...especially on Sundays!
Jakob enjoying his strawberry shortcake.
Ben, Jordan (love the attitude), and Olivia.
Being a mom to Sadie is one of the greatest joys of my life!
Sadie on the run!
Cousins and great friends! McKell and Mary
My beautiful and very silly girls. They truly love each other so much and love
laughing, giggling, and being silly!

Mother's Day was twice as special this year because it was the same day
as Ashlee and McKell's 8th birthday.

Happy 8th Birthday to my beautiful girls!
Rob and the kids made me delicious Belgium Waffles with
strawberries and whipped cream. YUM!

One of my favorite things on Mother's Day is getting little notes and cards from my kids. They are honestly more priceless to me than any gift.
Above: Ashlee made this paper flower and note at school
The kids made these fun lists in primary where they answered questions about their mom.
Ashlee's read: My mom is "happy and sad", My mom "Loves me", She likes "Me", She looks like "A happy mom", She sounds like "A happy mom", She smells like "Make up", She always "Hurts her back", My mom is "Fun".
McKell Wrote: My mom is "sweet, nice, kind, helpful", She "loves me", She likes "having McKell and Mommy days", She looks like "a queen", She sounds like "a beautiful bird", She smells like "a rose", She always "says I love you", My mom is "so nice and beautiful."
This is Cayden's. Keep in mind, he apparently was trying to make it rhyme. And in typical Cayden fashion, it had to be in BYU blue and says "BYU ROX" at the bottom. LOL!
Cayden wrote: My mom is "cool", She is "the best", She likes "going to the pool", She looks like "she is good with her tests", She sounds like "she's not a fool", She smells like "a clean desk", She always "cleans her room", My mom is "the best mom in the world."
In school, Cayden's class had to take the name of their mothers and then start each sentence with the letters of their mothers name. Cayden wrote:
M-Moms are the best, A-Always taking care, R-Rubbing my head if I am sick, C-Cayden, I love you, I- I love you too.
A beautiful painting by McKell
I feel that it is an amazing blessing that my dream to be a mom has come true. I was over the moon ecstatic on a beautiful fall day in November of 1999 when the doctor placed a beautiful baby boy in my arms. And I felt twice blessed on a warm spring afternoon in May of 2002 when I became the mother of not just one beautiful baby girl, but two. Five years later, on a gorgeous summer evening in August of 2007, I was again blessed with a special little baby girl. And just this past year, in July 2009, I had a beautiful little blue-eyed boy placed in my arms and became a mom for the 5th time.
To me, being a mother isn't something that I do, it is something that I am. I am not the best mom in the world and there are days that I feel like the worst mom in the world! But I try every day to be the best mom that I can to my kids. I know with no doubt that they were entrusted to me by God and that there was no mistake that they were sent to me.
I am eternally grateful for the gift of being a mother. I love watching my children grown and learn, whether that is learning to take a first step, or learning how to do long division. I love watching their unique personalities form and to see them interact with one another and those around them. I love the gummy smiles, sticky hugs, countless drawings and paintings, and the priceless hand written notes that they give me. I love that no matter how old they get, they still need mommy to tuck them in, give them a kiss and hug, and love to snuggle with me.
So when Mother's Day comes around each year, I look at it a little differently. Rather than celebrating me on that day, I celebrate and give thanks for the gift that I have been given. The gift of motherhood.
Every year, Rob and the kids usually spoil me with a delicious breakfast, a yummy dinner, and I get the day off to rest, nap, etc. And then we go to my mom and dad's house to have strawberry shortcake. This year, we had 2 extra reasons to celebrate on that day - it was also McKell and Ashlee's 8th birthday.
It was a very special day and as I tucked each of my 5 precious treasures into bed, I again gave thanks to God that I am a mom.
Sadie Jayne age 2, and Jaxson William age 10 months.
This is her first official Mother's Day since becoming a mom to this adorable baby boy, Miles.
laughing, giggling, and being silly!
as Ashlee and McKell's 8th birthday.
strawberries and whipped cream. YUM!
Above: Ashlee made this paper flower and note at school
Ashlee's read: My mom is "happy and sad", My mom "Loves me", She likes "Me", She looks like "A happy mom", She sounds like "A happy mom", She smells like "Make up", She always "Hurts her back", My mom is "Fun".
Cayden wrote: My mom is "cool", She is "the best", She likes "going to the pool", She looks like "she is good with her tests", She sounds like "she's not a fool", She smells like "a clean desk", She always "cleans her room", My mom is "the best mom in the world."
M-Moms are the best, A-Always taking care, R-Rubbing my head if I am sick, C-Cayden, I love you, I- I love you too.
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