About a week after the girls' 7th birthday party last year, they started talking about what kind of party they wanted for this year. Because it was their 8th birthday, I wanted it to be a big party with a fun theme. We decided the theme would be "Carnival Birthday".
It was quite a challenge to get so many activities put together, set up, etc. but we pulled it off and it turned out great! Our biggest challenge was the weather! Utah has had some really crazy weather this spring and this weekend was no exception. I pretty much had The Weather Channel.com on the computer at all times. I had no idea how we would move something as big as a carnival party to somewhere indoors. I scheduled the Stake Center just in case, but thank heavens we didn't have to use it! I wish it would have been warmer, but I can't complain too much - there was no snow, rain, and only a little bit of wind. It was very cold and we did have to end up opening presents inside the house because the kids were freezing, but it still went great!
We were also very grateful for everyone that helped us!! With the carnival theme, we had to have different people man the booths. Our great families really helped us out!
When the kids arrived, they each got a ticket necklace with different colored tickets on it. They then got a gift bag to decorate to keep their prizes in it. We had carnival food - hot dogs, soda, and chips. After lunch, the kids could go to the "carnival" in any order they wanted. Each booth was assigned a color so when the child went to that booth, they gave them the coordinating colored ticket from their necklace. This worked out really well.
A very special party for a very special birthday for two very special girls!

Aunt Lori and Brooke did a great job at the Face Painting Booth

Hannah did the "Sucker Tree" booth

Jared manned the Fishing Pond booth with help from Livvy behind the fence.

When they weren't doing the carnival games, the kids enjoyed just playing on the playground.

Sadie loved the party and got lots of attention from the party guests.

Uncle James did a great job at the balloon dart toss

Grandma Peacock at the ring toss.

Livvy trying her hand at some of the carnival games.

We had a really good turnout with a lot of kids.

Uncle Jon was a great "bouncer" at the bouncehouse. The bouncehouse was a big hit. Sadie in particular loved it and was sad to see it go at the end of the day.

Grandpa Neilson helping Sadie do the Duck Pond.

Crazy kids in the bounchouse!

Uncle Jay was a great helper at the milk jug toss. This was a favorite game because each child won a stuffed animal. We had great friends and neighbors who were happy to donate stuffed animals for the prizes.

Uncle Jon doing the Ring Toss

Picking out a stuffed animal prize from the milk jug toss.

Mary waiting in line for a game.

Jared and Livvy doing the fishing pond

The weather was so crazy all week. And when I woke up and saw the skies looking like this, I was very nervous. But thankfully this storm held off until after the party.

Rob was so great and helped wherever needed. He did a great job at the beanbag toss!

It started getting really cold and windy toward the end of the party, so we brought all of the kids inside to open presents. The girls got so many fun things! They have great friends!

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