Ashlee and McKell had their 2nd grade science fair. They had to come up with a simple machine and make a model of it. They both chose pulleys and both had the same idea which made it much easier for us to do TWO projects! They were so proud of their entries and were excited to show all of the parents at their culminating event at the school. We love these great learning opportunities!
"I want to take dance class like McKell! You know, it's REALLY boring just being a NORMAL person!" - Ashlee after McKell's Christmas dance recital
"Mommy, I think you were much better before you got married. You had bangs, you were a little prettier, and you weren't exhausted all the time." - McKell
Mommy, God just told me that Baby Jesus has a new baby brother. His name is Eggroll. - Ashlee
Cayden - "Mommy, I am very concerned that Santa is really you." Mommy "Cayden, you know what happens to kids that don't believe in Santa. They get nothing." Cayden "That's why I said I was CONCERNED, not that I didn't believe!"
"SERIOUSLY!" - Marci's response to just about everything
"Mommy, I really need some 'relastics' for my hair! - Ashlee
"Brothers don't shake hands...Brother's gotta HUG!" - Rob and his dork brother Jon every time they see each other!
"Mommy, I really think it might be easier just to keep a baby in your tummy. She was MUCH easier to take care of in there!" - McKell
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