Our sweet little Jaxson boy is getting so big! He is almost 6 months old already which I cannot believe! He is such a sweet baby and gets lots of love and attention from everyone. He is finally on a little bit more of a schedule which is nice. We love our little Jaxson boy!

Sadie LOVES her pink silky blankie, so when we found one exactly like it in blue, she was ecstatic! She couldn't wait to give it to her baby brother. Amazingly, he has now started to love his "silky" just as much as Sadie loves hers!

Jaxson loves his Bumbo seat and often times falls asleep in it.

Rob was playing Roly-Poly with Sadie and Jaxson and Jaxson loved it! He just giggled and giggled every time the ball would come to him.

Oh how Sadie Jayne loves her little brother. She loves to hold him and give him "Baby Tisses"

YUMMY! First foods. Jaxson is a pro already!

We call these "Gummy Smiles" at our house. They are the BEST!

What happens when you have a poop blow out at Del Taco and Mommy doesn't have anything to change you into? You get to wear your big sister's red fluffy sweater.

Papa and his Mini Me. Yep, Jaxson is definitely his Papa's little guy! Right down to the shape and color of his beautiful blue eyes!
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