After a lot of coaxing (mostly lead by McKell), we decided to bite the bullet and get the girls' ears pierced. They were SO excited, even though I told them it would REALLY hurt. We went to Claire's in the mall and they did a GREAT job! (Apparently I have never taken my girls to a mall and when we walked in, they both stared around and exclaimed, "Mom! What IS this place!?") I had them do each girl simultaneously because I had a feeling they would chicken out if we did one ear at a time.

Ashlee went first. She was in quite a happy mood and had everyone in the store cracking up. I was afraid they weren't going to be able to do her ears because they were laughing so hard. Ashlee was very happy they had "Claire Bear" - a teddy bear to squeeze when they pierced her ears. She cried for sure, but as soon as I sang her a few little songs and rubbed her back, she was great!

I didn't let McKell watch Ashlee get her ears pierced because I knew she would chicken out. She was VERY nervous when it came right down to it, but she was brave and she did it! She was MAD at how much it hurt, but quickly got over it when she saw her new earrings in the mirror.

SO cute! They look so much older now with their ears pierced. I am so proud of them both!
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