I can't believe my baby boy is ten years old! When did this happen!? It really does just seem like yesterday when they put this beautiful big boy in my arms for the first time. And my life has never been the same since. Cayden will always be special because he was my first born. He is what made me a mommy. Cayden is such a special boy with an incredible mind and strong spirit. He has always been happy go lucky and so full of fun. I love his giggles. I love his big smile. I love his soft heart. Cayden has been such a gift to us. He truly is such a good boy. He does great at school, he loves scouts, he is great at his piano and everything that he does, he does with gusto. Mostly, Cayden has a great capacity to love and care for others. Let me give an example. Recently, a new family moved in by us. Cayden was so excited that they had a son his age and in his primary class. In typical Cayden fashion, Cayden made it a point to say hi and make sure this boy felt welcome. Unfortunately, instead of a warm happy response, Cayden got kicked in the shin. This happened on more than one occasion and we were rather frustrated. But not Cayden. Although it made him sad, he didn't hold a grudge and was never mean back to this boy. When I asked Cayden recently who he wanted to invite to his birthday party, this new boy was one of the first that he mentioned. I asked Cayden if he was sure that he wanted to invite him because he had been so mean to him and Cayden said, "Yeah, Mom. I forgave him a long time ago and we're friends now. He was just having a hard time being in a new place." I learned a lot that day from my 10 year old son. Just like I have learned many things from this amazing son of mine. I love you Cayden! Happy birthday! Please stop growing now!!

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