I feel like I have posted a lot of pictures and a lot of "events", but nothing day to day, so here is a catch up on us.
Rob is doing well at work. He is excited that IMFT was finally profitable for a quarter. If they can keep this up, we may be getting our pay back to where it was before the bit pay cut, but it will take a while. Rob has been a trooper with Jaxson and helping out with everything. He is such a great man. It feels like life is almost returning to "normal" and he and I can spend more time together instead of one of us going to bed or taking a nap any chance we can. I wish Rob had more time to do things for himself, but he assures me that he is fine and enjoys his times when he is taking care of Jaxson and can watch movies.
I am trying to keep up with life. I am feeling like we are getting on somewhat of a schedule, although it seems to change daily. I know I am so blessed to have 5 beautiful and wonderful children who are just so great! I am grateful for this time in my life where I can spend my days with my two little ones at home. I also cherish the times that I can be with my older 3 kids and do special things just with them. I am pretty much in "mom mode" most of the time, which is fine by me. I am really tired of being sick. I got a HORRIBLE case of strep throat at the beginning of October that really knocked me down. And then four weeks later, I got it again! This time I have had a much harder time recovering and went through a rather scary time of horrible body aches, muscle and joint pain, stomach pains, and migraines. I felt so weak that I couldn't even lift on Jaxson's car seat. It was scary. After some serious rest, I am starting to feel better. I am enjoying my Relief Society calling and love the sisters that I work with.
Cayden is getting very excited for his birthday this week. I cannot believe he will be TEN! When did that happen!? Cayden is such a sweet and wonderful boy. I am so proud of him and what a good boy he is. He has so much love and is so much fun. As much as I hate to see him growing up, it is also fun to see him mature and have a fun relationship with him. He and I are quite good friends and love hanging out together. We laugh a lot and he is a total goofball! He has had some problems at school with some of the boys in his class, but we're working on it. He is doing great in school and continues to love to learn.
Ashlee is doing great. We have had some concerns with her schooling this year, but things seem to be working out. She has made huge strides in her abilities in math and now we are focusing on getting her reading up to where it should be. Ashlee is so fun and delightful. She loves to use her imagination, especially with her stuffed animals. She and Sadie have become quite chummy and she loves that Sadie will say anything she asks her to. Ashlee's latest thing is constantly asking what everything means. "Mom, what does 'probably' mean?" "Mom, what does 'holiday' mean?" She is very inquisitive. We also have to remind her that she can't just decide to change the way a certain word is said because she wants to. She keeps us on our toes and we are so proud of her.
McKell is doing great in school and loves it so much. She is growing up so much and I can't believe how mature she is becoming. She is such a good little helper with McKell and Jaxson. McKell looks at her as a second mother and McKell loves it. She is begging to get her ears pierced which I think we will do soon. She loves drawing and doing any sort of craft project. She reminds me so much of me that age - always doing some sort of crafty project. She loves dance and is always singing just like her dad. McKell got her spacing appliance in this month and is doing really well with it. Not fun, but she is tolerating it.
Sadie continues to be the joy and light in our family. She still cracks us up constantly and is growing up way too quickly. I love this stage that I refer to as the "footy pajama" age. I wish I could just stop time at this age and capture it forever. Sadie is talking so much and we love to hear her express herself. She loves saying, "Why, Mommy? Why?" She has had a complete fascination and obsession with "The Wonder Pets" recently so we have watched a lot of that at our home. She is such a smart little cookie and knows how to count to ten, all of her colors and shapes, and is working on her letters.
Jaxson boy is growing like a little weed. I can't believe he is already four months old! He is really filling out and getting bigger. He is getting really smiley and fun. He recently learned to spit and thinks he is quite funny. Jaxson is very introspective and has a funny little "concerned" face that he does, complete with his Daddy's worry lines on his forehead. He is a lot more quiet and reserved than Sadie ever was. He loves sitting in his Bumbo seat and is getting really close to rolling. Jaxson is an "old soul" and bring such a warm spirit to our home.
So, that's an update on us. 'Nuff said.
Saturday March 2
4 days ago
Your little family is so cute! I can't believe how big Jaxson is already, time flies! =)
Thanks for the updates! I can't believe that Cayden is 10!!!
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