Nothing earth shattering to blog about, but I think it is important to write about those every day-days. So here goes. I thought it would be a good thing to write down what a "Day in the Life of the Peacocks" would be like.
6:30-Wake up, wake the kids up, and the morning rush begins. Today was extra hectic because I had an OB appointment and had to be ready. Usually, I have the "Morning Mom Glam" look going! Cayden promised he would end his "grumpy morning" streak and be bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning...which he was. Uniforms make for easy getting dressed, at least in theory.
7:00-We all have to be downstairs dressed, hair done, etc. Rob makes breakfast for the kids-usually pancakes or waffles or oatmeal. While they are eating (and usually goofing around too much) I am making lunches. Sadie just takes it all in and keeps us all happy.
7:20-This is our goal time to be out the door. Usually doesn't happen, but it is what we strive for. Once we are all in the car and buckled in, I do our morning checklist- Backpacks? Lunches? Homework? They all answer "Yeah" which is why Sadie now joins in. It is pretty funny.
8:00-I have to have the kids to school by this time at the very latest. They pile out of the car with a "Love you" and "Have a great day" from me. Then Sadie and I are on our own for a while. We usually come home, get Sadie dressed, clean up breakfast etc. Sadie is my official dishwasher helper and loves to help me, especially when it comes to stacking the cups. We clean up, do other chores, figure out dinner, etc. (This morning was different because I had an OB appointment and didn't get home until 9:30. I really hate that because it throws everything off. Everything went well at the doctor though which is good. I lost a few pounds, blood pressure is good, measuring fine, and bloodwork shows that I am definitely anemic. Iron pills starting now.)
11:00-After playing for a while with Sadie, it is snuggle time. She gets her blankie, binkie, and bottle and falls asleep. I love this quiet time with her. It is getting harder and harder to lug her up the stairs as I get bigger and more preggers. Sadie lays down for her nap and the house is QUIET for a while.
11:00-2:00-This is the quiet time that I cherish. Unfortunately, because of complete exhaustion and anemia, I have been having to take a power nap to make it through the day. It has been miserable, but I am grateful to be able to do that. I usually use this time to do other projects that need to be done, make phone calls, computer time, etc. This is usually when I get ready for the day as well.
2:30-Sadie and I head to the school to get the kids.
3:00-This is when my day "re-begins". It is by far the most challenging time of day for me. I love the ride home with the kids where I can hear about their day, talk with them etc. But as soon as we get home and hit that door, all chaos begins. It is also rough because this is when Sadie usually gets a little grumpier and I usually feel like I hit my "wall". I am dealing with getting kids changed out of uniforms, piano practicing and lessons, dance, scouts, soccer, friends playing, and homework x3 kids. Ashlee is especially challenging in the homework department and takes all the energy and patience I can muster to help her. This is usually a 2 hour process to get all of this done. By the time it is over, I am exhausted! We usually spend some time outside playing as well.
5:45-Rob is usually home by now which is nice. It begins another crazy time though-dinner. I madly try to get everything dished up and ready to go. Kids washed up, table set, etc. We make it a rule that we all sit together at the table and eat as a family. It has been interesting to note how the kids have really made it a point to tell us that they love this. Some days it doesn't work out, but for the most part, this is what we do. We have fun conversations, talk about our days, etc.
6:30-Dinner is done and jobs begin. Our handy family chore chart is a wonderful thing and the kids all know that they have jobs to do after dinner including dishwasher, sweep, living room pick up, etc. It has helped me a lot to have their help and it is a good learning experience for them.
7:00-Pajamas, teeth brushed, scriptures, etc.
7:30-In bed and lights out. Cayden usually stays up longer to read and we often times don't make it quite by 7:30, but that is the goal.
8:00-10:00-Rob and I finish cleaning up, watch some TV, etc. Sadie is still awake with us as well.
10:00 Sadie in bed
12:00 or later - As you can see, I am still usually up on the computer, watching TV, or other things that really shouldn't trump getting to bed. But they do. So I go to bed and gear up to start it all over again tomorrow.
Saturday March 8
10 hours ago
That is one long day. We don't even get up until 8am and out the door until 8:40. My kids are in bed by 8:00...all of them. OK, why does Sadie get to stay up....if I were one of you kids, I would throw a fit! :) I hope things slow down a bit for you for the summer....yah right, they will probably get crazier right?
That makes me exhausted just reading and thinking about all of that. At least you get a couple hours of quiet time. Just think in a few weeks you'll have one more to add to the mix.
I'm tired now just from reading that!
And the mother of the year goes to . . . . .
Wow!I'm ready for bed after that! You do soooo much! I don't know how you do it all. It's so convenient that Dakota's school bus picks him up in the morning at 6:30. He doesn't like milk, he just wants cold cereal dry in the mornings. Court gets up with him since he's getting up around that time for work, and I stay in bed. I am awake of course, but in bed non the less. We keep Carter up as late as us, and he normally sleeps 11 hrs or so, so in the mornings I can get projects done, make work related phone calls etc.
I really could never have more than one more baby because of what you have just described!!! That is crazy chaos! I just am not as strong as you!!
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