Ashlee & McKell had their big 1st grade program yesterday. They have been studying American history and are both very well versed in the subject...definitely smarter than their mom! I can't believe how much they learn by 1st grade at their school! It was so fun to watch them do their play of the American Revolution yesterday. There is just nothing like hearing American history according to a group of 1st graders. I did most of the costumes thanks to a great dress-up box, left over Jedi smocks from Cayden's birthday, and a bag of feathers.
McKell was one of the Indians at the Boston Tea Party. She knew her line perfectly, "Ralley mohawks! Grab your axes! Tell King George we'll pay no taxes on his foreign tea!" (I tried to convinced her to say "Tell Obama we'll pay no taxes..." but she wouldn't.) McKell had a great angry Indian face.

Ashlee was the woman at the belltower. Her line was, "One if by land. Two if by water." She did so great! She held up her little lanterns with pride and said her part loud and clear. I was worried we may get some improv as Ashlee has been known to do, but she did very well.

At the end, they all sang "Yankee Doodle", "O Beautiful for Spacious Skies" and "You're a Grand Old Flag" while marching around with American flags. It was so cute and my girls knew every word of every song. It was a proud Mommy day for sure!
How cute!!
Cute! Love the costumes too. =)
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