'Twas the night before Christmas, forget that darn mouse,
The Peacocks were eating at Texas Roadhouse.
When we returned home, we found at the door,
Treats and gifts with surprises in store.
Uncle Jay had come, no, his nose was not rosy.
He had left us new books and new blankets so cozy.
A new "Night Before Christmas" book he had brought,
With blankets and cookies and Cider, so hot.
Next came the new jammies, this is something we do.
Each child gets new PJ's in red, green, or blue.
Next onto the reindeer food, those reindeer must eat.
Carrots, oatmeal, and sprinkles are surely a treat.
Of course we make cookies, for Santa's round tummy.
We all sneak some too, they are so very yummy!
We set out his plate with egg nog and a letter,
Then snuggle for story time...how can this get better!?
"Twas the Night Before Christmas..." Daddy's story begins.
We all try to join in amid giggles and grins.
Then we cuddle in close by the twinkling tree lights,
And read the great story of the first Christmas night.
We talk about Jesus and the new star so bright,
And then we together sing "Silent Night."
Our stockings are then hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon with be there!
We check on the laptop, where is Old St Nick?
He's in Pennsylvania! Get to bed! QUICK!
The children are nestled all snug in their beds,
With visions of Christmas morning dancing in their heads.
And Rob in his PJ's and I in mine too,
Gear up for the job that now we must do.
We don't watch Christmas specials or movies I fear,
"The Lord of the Rings" is what we watch each year.
At last it is bedtime, the lights are all dimmed.
The presents are under the tree that is trimmed.
We go to our bed and turn off the light.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!