Okay, I really don't have the time to do this today. I have 40 kids invited to a Star Wars birthday party tomorrow and still have a TON to do. But I feel the need to vent right now, so that is what I will do.
I just read a comment on another blog concerning Proposition 8. The obviously angry person (whom I don't even know) posted the question, "What right do the darn Mormons have to tell anyone they can't get married!? I'm glad people are protesting outside the temples. I'm embarrassed I used to be a Mormon. They are such hypocrites!"
So, I figure that question was posed, so I will take the opportunity to answer it.
What "right" do those darn Mormons have? Uh...they have EVERY right. They, just like you, are American citizens. They have the right to vote. They have the freedom to speak what they feel. They have every right to say their thoughts and views on a law in their state. And really, are you seriously going to play the "Mormons are hypocrites" card? Because here is what I find hypocritical. I think it is INCREDIBLY hypocritcal to be condemning one group of people for exercising their American right to vote, while cheering for another group who is exercising their freedom of speech as they protest outside of Mormon temples. So, which is it? Either we ALL have the same rights as Americans, or we don't.
Some argue that the Mormon church should have stayed out of this and let their members decide for themselves. Why? Isn't that another right we have as Americans? To worship as we wish? And as part of that freedom of religion, the Mormon leaders have every right to weigh in and share with their followers direction and guidance as they see fit. And then it is the right of those members to exercise their freedom and vote as they wish. Just like any Catholic American, Muslim American, etc.
It really doesn't matter which side you stand on in this issue. For me? I stand on the side of America and I stand on the side of our Founding Fathers who made it possible for American citizens to be on different sides of an issue, but BOTH have the same rights to express and vote their conscience.
For the record, I do tend to side with the elderly temple workers who are being verbally abused and berated as they leave and enter LDS temples. My own parents are temple workers in their seventies and it doesn't sit too well with me at the thought of anyone attacking them. My father serviced in the Air Force to protect our country and is a retired Air Force Major and I know many of the LDS temple workers are also military vetrans who ironically fought with their lives to protect the very "rights" they supposedly shouldn't have because they are Mormons."
So please, in the future, before posting ignorant comments about the "rights" of those darn Mormons, please kindly go read the constitution. I'm sure our Founding Fathers could set things straight.
Saturday March 8
10 hours ago
Amen sister! Why don't you run for President! You have one vote right here....
I heard yesterday that they would be protesting downtown today at 6 pm and it has bothered me all day. Signs of the times.
What a huge weight for our prophet to carry with so much going on right now. I know he's in my prayers.
And you are absolutely right about our right to speak and believe and share what we believe.
Can I please be a kid again? I'm getting sick of all the world drama. I would really like to be stressed about simple addition homework and my most recent fight with my BFF. Lucky little kiddos!
Well said COMPLETELY AGREE... just remind me never to pick a fight w/ you ;)
Wow. You put it better than I've seen anywhere! Way to go Marci!
Thank you Marci!!! I find it ironic that it is only the "Mormon's" that are to blame, what about all the other people of varying religions who voted, and they are not getting any blame put on them. It makes me very sad to see such horrible things happening in the world and I fear for our children and the things they will have to face, and luckily this whole gay marriage thing is something that we have some control over, and we get to choose whether or not our children will be subject to it in public schools or not. I hope it stays that way!!
I couldn't agree more with this! I wish that people really knew how important propostion 8 is, it is so much bigger then just homosexual marriage, it will change so many things.
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