As another Thanksgiving day comes to a close, I feel the need to finish my thoughts of gratitude. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving at my parents' home with way too much yummy food, games, visiting, etc. It was a great day. Here are a few more things I am thankful for today.
1. My Parents - Where would I be without these two amazing people? Well, of course I wouldn't be here at all. My parents are rocks and are a true example to me. I am so grateful that they raised 9 children and that they do all that they can to keep us close and connected. I am grateful for the countless lessons they have taught me in my life. I am thankful for my dad's continual fount of wisdom and experience, to know that he is ALWAYS there when I need him, that he can give me a "Hey Sis" and everything seems more manageable, and that he is truly one of my best friends. I am grateful that I am close to my mom and that we have a great relationships. That we go thrift store shopping together, talk almost every day, and that she is always a listening ear and understands what I am going through as a mother. I don't know why I was blessed to be their daughter, but I am so grateful that I am.
2. Family - I already wrote about my own family, but I want to express gratitude for my family that I grew up in and their families. I am the 8th of 9 children - the baby girl. With any large family, we have a true mix of personalities, joys, struggles, and love. I am so grateful that for the most part, our family gets along and loves each other. We have fun together and know that in the end, we have each others' backs. I am also grateful for Rob's family and what I have learned from them. I am grateful that they helped mold and raise such a wonderful man.
3. Friends - I am grateful for friends in my life. I have been blessed to live in many places and the friends that I have made in all of those places are great treasures in my life. True friends are those that you can be away from for years, but as soon as you see them, you pick right back up where you left off. My best girlfriend is Juliann. We have been through it all in our 10 year friendship. Thank goodness our husbands are brothers and they love each other. I talk to Juliann pretty much every day and it seems strange when we don't talk. We understand each other better than any other girlfriend I have ever had. I really do see it as a true blessing to have such a wonderful friend that I can laugh with, cry with, commiserate with, and just talk to. I am confidant that God laid things out for us to be sisters and best friends.
4. The Gospel - I am truly grateful for my testimony of the Gospel and the joy that it brings me. I am so grateful to have these values and beliefs that I can hold to during the hardest times in my life. I am grateful to be able to have a clear path to raise my children on. I am eternally grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ and that no matter what, He knows exactly how I am feeling in any situation and that He has made it possible for me to be with my Heavenly Father again with my family. I love serving in the church and am grateful to be the primary president of our ward. What a blessing to work with these amazing strong spirits!
5. My country - I don't think we can fully appreciate what we have because most of us know no different. I am so grateful to live in a country where I am free to worship as I choose, raise my children how I choose, live where I choose, etc. And how grateful I am for those willing to serve our country and protect us and also for their families.
6. "The necessities of life"... - I remember growing up that my dad would often say this when he was praying. That we were grateful for "our food, clothing, and necessities of life". I now understand what he meant. As a parent, it is so crucial and important to provide for our children and take care of them. I often remind our children how blessed we are to have a warm home, clothes, food, a car to drive, a school to go to, toys, etc....those "necessities of life" that I take for granted way too often. I truly am grateful for the small and simple things in my life.
There of course could be so many other things that I could write, but for now, I will close this up and make a goal to be grateful for the many blessings of my life as another Thanksgiving comes to an end.
Saturday March 8
10 hours ago
What a great post! :) I like hearing about what people are grateful for.
Fantastic, Marci. I kept tearing up after each paragraph!! I echo everything you said. And just so you know, I would be rotting in the bottom of a ditch somewhere if it weren't for you. Love ya!
hey marci, I thought my computer was whacked until I realized we chose the same backround! Great minds think alike. I am thankful I don't live in NJ right now. Stuck in traffic. ttya soon!
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