So, get some popcorn, and sit down for the Peacock version of Grey's Anatomy...Rob will be taking the part of McDreamy, McSteamy, or McWhiplash, you choose. I don't even want to know what character I play in all of this.
So, this morning we awoke at 4:00 with Ashlee complaining of being sick and needing medicine. Rob got her back in bed just to have Sadie wake up for the day, also not feeling well. So, I wake up at my usual 6:30 and decide to let Rob and the girls sleep in, hoping they will all feel better after some rest. Ashlee awakes and complains of a very sore throat. Ashlee's tolerance for pain is very high, so when she says it hurts, it has to be bad...and it was. So Rob heads to work, and I get Cayden and McKell ready for school and schedule a doctor's appointment for Ashlee. We are almost to the school when I get "the" call.
"Hello, Mrs. Peacock?"
"This is the Bluffdale Fire Department. We are here with your husband. He has been in an accident and we are trasnporting him in the ambulance to the hospital."
I quickly realize that my initial urge to freak out cannot happen with 4 kids in the car, 2 of which are about to go to school for the day.
So I calmly ask if he is okay, and all I hear is that it isn't "life threatning". Oh great. That makes me feel so much better.
I drop Cayden and McKell off at school and try not to completely freak out imagining the worst possible scenario as I head to the hospital all the way across the valley. I hit 6200 S and realize that this is not a good route. There is bumper to bumper traffic due to construction and people are u-turning right and left to go a different route. I decide to follow suit, but opt for t
he legal way of turning into a subdivision to turn around. I put my signal on and start to turn into said subdivision when BAM! I am hit by a big white van that then pushes me into the car in front of me. The guy who was apparently in a big hurry, and on his cell phone, tried to pass me on the left and rammed into me.

Again, I try not to completely freak out as Ashlee is still with me. As the guy comes toward me, looking really irritated, I give him "the look" which I think communicated to him very well that I was NOT in the mood for him or his attitude. My front light was hanging by the wires, and there was a big dent where he hit me. I explained that I was on the way to the hospital to be with my husband so we exchanged insurance info etc. and off I went. This is when I realized that the damage was worse than I thought, both to me and the car. All sorts of lights were blinking, showing that my tire wasn't alining, etc. and it was making an awful sound. It is also at this moment that I realize that my toe, yes the already banged up toe, is killing me and I remember that when he hit me, I immediately tried to brace myself and smacked my foot right up at the front of the car. Ouch.
So I make it to the ER and there lies Rob on a backboard with a neck brace, all hooked up and looking miserable. He told me not to worry. And we spend the next while doing CT scans, Xrays, etc. I take the girls to my parents, the ever wonderful life savers that they are. The doctor finally came back in and said that no bones were broken and he had just a lot of strained muscles, soft tissue damage, whiplash, etc. (I label this doctor "McObnoxious and McClueless".) Rob was pretty funny because he looked at me after the doctor left and said, "Is THIS how YOU always feel w
hen you come to the doctor and you know something is wrong, but they tell you that they can't see anything wrong!?" I had to laugh at that one. YUP. That's exactly the feeling I have had numerous times in my medical visiting life. It was kind of enlightning to see Rob fully comprehend that, and understand better why I have to be practically dying before heading to any ER.
So, to sum up what happened with Rob. He was on Bangerter on his way to work. The traffic had come to a complete stop and he was just waiting for it to move. He said he saw a "flash" in his rearview mirror and then felt the hit. Some girl in a big car or SUV slammed into him pretty much at full speed. Rob lost consciousness for a bit and when he came to, he was kind of slumped over to the side and in a lot of pain. Police and ambulance were called etc. and the rest is history.
I went to the tow yard to survey the damage on his car and it is awful. His poor little Honda is a mess. I'm sure it is totaled.
So we now have the "fun" task of dealing with not only ONE car accident wi
th all of the rental car, liability, etc. crap. But TWO accidents. We have already been on the phone all day with insurance garbage. Really no fun at all.
Oh, to add more fun, I finally made it to the doctor with Ashlee who has strep.
I think I'll go to bed and try it all again tomorrow. Wish me luck.
OH MY FRIEK MARCI!!! What IDIOTS!!! All of them!!! Let us know if there's anything we can do. I'm sure James would love getting out of any classes or homework given the chance. =) Rob's poor poor Honda! I'm sure James would also love having the excuse to buy a new car if Rob wants his blue Civic back...ha ha. What a COMPLETE mess you guys are in!
HOLY CRAP MARCI!!! When it rains it pours!! I'm so sorry for everything!! What are the freakin odds of you getting hit on your way to the hospital to see your husband who has been hit?!?!!?! Seriously UNBELIEVABLE!!!
SUCKFUL!!! I am so sorry this happend! I keep trying to think of something clever to say but can't come up with anything you would make you feel better =( sorry! Hope you ALL get better soon!
I'm waiting for pictures of Rob and his injuries. (just kidding)
Seriously, you win the award of surviving the day from HELL - make that the 7th circle of hell.
Wow Marci, sorry you had such a stressful day. And here I add to it by emailing you about something as trivial as Activity Days!
I hope Rob is ok. And I hope your insurance company doesn't jerk you around too much.
Marci! This is seriously unbelievable! 2 car accidents in one day? Life is just so crazy sometimes! I'm sure that was pretty scary, I am just glad that you are all OK. Let me know if there is anything I can do, I'll call you in the morning.
That has to be one of the worst days I've ever heard of. I'm sorry Marci! That is so crappy! I think a couple of seetlements should be coming your way!
That was really the most unbelievable chain of events!! I hope you are doing better, and that your car's are in better shape.
Holy Cow!!! I'm so sorry. That could pretty much be summed up as a crappy day piled on crap - pretty much just a crap sandwich. Sorry for the visual that may have inspired. That is awful. I hope you are all feeling better soon. I'm glad it wasn't any more serious than it was, although I'm sure you'll be dealing with achy breaky bodies and hard to handle insurance companies for awhile. So sorry.
Oh Marci! What an incredible day! They don't get much worse than that! Were you just crying by the end of it? I know I would have been a wreck! I'm glad you are all safe. I hope you opted for the shot for Ashlee's strep. It is so much less hassle than taking antibiotics twice a day for 10 days (we went through that with Emily a couple months ago). I hope to hear the update on how Rob's neck is doing, and how you cope with your cars and the insurance mess. And yes, I hope the rest of your week has been much better!
When did this happen? I was just getting around to reading the September news blog and decided to check on you guys and James and Brooke etc. 2 in one day. That totally breaks the record I think. Hope you all are better now.
Let me know if you need help with anything.
Love you guys - Nena
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