So, today was our big primary program in our ward. I am serving as the primary president right now and it is such a great calling! We have quite a large primary and I wouldn't trade any of them. They are an awesome group of kids!
We have been practicing for the program for a few weeks now and had a final rehearsal yesterday. But no matter how much you rehearse and practice, you never know how it is going to go. I am happy to say that it went great! The kids did such a good job and knew their songs and parts so well! There were a few spontaneous moments, but that is fun and something I look forward to. One of my favorite parts that made me just bawl, was when sweet little Aram, who is usually in a wheelchair and cannot speak, did his part. His class was supposed to say their name, say something special about themselves and then say,"I am a child of God." So it came time for Aram's class and his mom brought him up to the microphone, took his little hands, and helped him sign, "I am Aram. I love to give hugs. I am a child of God." It still makes me cry just remembering it. Through the whole thing, he has his big huge smile on his face. He is an angel on earth and knows probably better than any of us that he is a child of God.
It was a lot of work and practice, but ultimately, it was all in the Lord's hands and I know that the Spirit was felt by those who were there. I got an unexpected surprise after the program when I learned that Sister Stevens from the Primary General Board had come with our stake primary president to watch the program. No pressure at all! :o) She was so gracious and sweet with her comments afterwards. That meant a lot to me.
So, another primary program has come and gone and now onto another new year.
Saturday March 8
9 hours ago
It did go very well! You do such an amazing job with the Primary! Aram made me teary eyed also. I just kept telling myself to hold it together. I have a sweet little 13 year old niece with cerebral palsy and I just cannot imagine our family without her. They are just truly special and a blessing to have in our lives. Good Job and phew it's over!!
P.S. Why are you not napping?
Oops! That was me by the way! My sister-in-law was signed in! LOL!
Oh dang! I'm sad I missed it! Primary program is always my fav. sacrament meeting of the year! Just reading about it made tears roll down my cheek though.
It did turn out great Marci! And I am so glad we asked Sister Campbell to bring Aram up to participate. I was wondering what she was going to do about that as I hadn't spoken to her about it recently.
Also, thanks for keeping my kid in check. He is such a stinker sometimes and I appreciate it when others are so helpful and sweet with him.
You're the best! Thanks for all your hard work.
I bet it went well! You do such great things with programs you're involved in. :) I'm glad it went well and you can "relax" a little now (ha, ha, right?)
The Primary Program turned out so cute! Great Job! I hope you went home and had a well deserved looooong nap! =)
You are so awesome, Marci. Seriously, I admire all that you do. So glad that the program went well.
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