My beautiful girls turned 9 years old today! NINE!? Where in the world did 9 whole years go? It honestly just seems like yesterday that I was in a hospital room in Boise, Idaho giving birth to these amazing precious girls. Ashlee coming first with just a few pushes and McKell having to be literally pulled into the world with one arm behind her back and born breech. Their births gave a very clear forecast of their personalities to this day! They are both growing into such beautiful young ladies. I love that they look different, act different, have different interests, and totally different and unique personalities! I love that they are the best of friends and have a special unbreakable bond between them. Happy 9th birthday, my beautiful girls!

Such silly girls! They keep each other laughing all the time!

For their 9th birthday party, Ash and McKell decided to have a birthday luau.

I LOVE this photo! Little girls being little girls...giggling and whispering to each other.

The Bounce house was a big hit!

We had yummy Hawaiian pizza, Hawaiian punch, and Hawaiian fruit

This photo of Sadie makes me laugh. She spent hours in that bounce house and loved every minute!

So happy that Korbin could come join us. He and Sadie had a blast!

Two of a kind! These two, often referred to as the "village idiots" are best buddies and never stop laughing, goofing off, and usually causing trouble! We love Brett!

I made the mistake of letting McKell watch "Cake Boss" a few months ago and she has been begging since then for a "Cake Boss Birthday Cake". Since we weren't going to fly to New Jersey and I wasn't going to spend a mint on a cake, I decided to try it myself. This is my first attempt ever of working with fondant, layers, etc. I was pretty happy with the outcome.

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