I can't believe that another school year has come and gone! That means that it is time for Teacher Gifts at our house. When I was growing up, my Grandma Neilson had this yummy popcorn called, "Mother Goose Popcorn". It was usually bright pink and very sweet and delicious. So this year, the girls all helped me make batch after batch in all different bright colors. We added a cute thank-you card, umbrella straw, and a flip-flop key chain and on the last day of school, the kids had a great time delivering them to their wonderful teachers. It has been quite a year full of ups and downs, but we are grateful for amazing teachers.

Every once in a while there is a teacher that really stands out. Ashlee has a lot of teachers that because of the extra time they spend with her, are very endeared to her. One of these teachers is Mrs Fowler. She is such a sweet lady and every time I see her, she runs right up to me and tells me how much she loves Ashlee and McKell and usually has some funny stories about what Ashlee has said or done.
Ashlee absolutely LOVES little stuffed animals. We decided to use this to our advantage as a motivator in school. So each day, Ashlee can earn "tokens" throughout the day if she is good. If she gets 10 tokens by the end of the day, she can "buy" a little stuffed animal/Beanie Baby. One day, Mrs. Fowler gave Ashlee a little piece of fabric to use as a blanket. Ashlee was overjoyed. Mrs Fowler saw Ashlee's excitement and the next day, she had crocheted her a little blanket for her animal. The next day she made one for McKell. And so for the last few weeks of school, this sweet and wonderful teacher spent hours crocheting all sorts of blankets and even little sleeping bags for the girls' stuffed animals. I took these pictures and printed them out and on the last day of school, the girls gave her the photos, a thank you card, and some pictures they had drawn. I love amazing teachers that go the extra mile and have hearts of gold.

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