(Above: Ashlee made this "Valentines Treat" for me. It is something made of mushed up bread, cinnamon, and rainbow sprinkles. YUM!)
It was a little strange having Valentines Day on a Sunday this year. But we had a great time. We had a special "romantic" dinner and even ate on the nice dishes on the dining room table with sparkling cider and cheesecake with strawberries. I love having fun family traditions!

Ashlee and McKell made these cute pictures to decorate our home for Valentines

I had so much fun making some Valentines banners with my friends, Dorey and Regina! This is my XOXO banner.

McKell and Ashlee made these cute Valentines at school. They traced their hands and then cut them out and glued them in the "Love" sign.

This was our yummy Valentines dinner - chicken cordon bleu, cranberry tossed salad, twice baked potatoes, homemade rolls, and fresh asparagus. YUM!

CHEERS! Our fancy Valentines dinner

Keeping with Neilson tradition, we had to "kick Valentines". I still don't know why the rest of the world doesn't do this, but it is what we did ever Valentines growing up. You put Valentines on the front doorstep, knock or "kick" the door, and run. This year the kids got treats, and cute little stuffed animal monkeys. (Although I think this picture is awful! It looks like a bunch of dead monkeys on the doorstep! LOL!)

My cute romantic boys. Every year Rob and Cayden give flowers to me and the girls. I love that Cayden helps Rob do this. It teaches him how to be a romantic guy like his Dad!

Cute McKell

Sweet Ashlee

Our yummy cheesecake and fresh strawberries

Beautiful flowers from the boys

I just had to take these pictures of Rob and Jaxson on Valentines. Jaxson LOVES to have his head stroked (just like his mommy!).

SO sweet! Jaxson loves his daddy!

We were SO excited to get a special package all the way from England! Rob's sister, Jenny, sent us a wonderful Valentine's package with lots of treats, little bears, and candy from England which the kids thought was so fun! Thanks Jenny!!
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