Sadie has discovered a new found love of painting. About every day, we turn on some classical music, put on her smock, and let her inner-artist out! She usually ends up painting her face, drinking the water, and making a mess, but we both love painting time!
"I want to take dance class like McKell! You know, it's REALLY boring just being a NORMAL person!" - Ashlee after McKell's Christmas dance recital
"Mommy, I think you were much better before you got married. You had bangs, you were a little prettier, and you weren't exhausted all the time." - McKell
Mommy, God just told me that Baby Jesus has a new baby brother. His name is Eggroll. - Ashlee
Cayden - "Mommy, I am very concerned that Santa is really you." Mommy "Cayden, you know what happens to kids that don't believe in Santa. They get nothing." Cayden "That's why I said I was CONCERNED, not that I didn't believe!"
"SERIOUSLY!" - Marci's response to just about everything
"Mommy, I really need some 'relastics' for my hair! - Ashlee
"Brothers don't shake hands...Brother's gotta HUG!" - Rob and his dork brother Jon every time they see each other!
"Mommy, I really think it might be easier just to keep a baby in your tummy. She was MUCH easier to take care of in there!" - McKell
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