We had a great Easter weekend. On Saturday morning, we got up to see what the Easter Bunny had brought. In our family Easter Saturday is the Easter Bunny's day and Easter Sunday is Jesus' Day. The kids got way too much candy and treats but had fun. After that, we had a yummy breakfast. My Great-Grandmother is from Denmark and one special breakfast item that has been passed down is Aebelskivers. You have to have a special pan to make these in, but they are well worth it! They are like little pancake donuts. I make the batter from scratch and cook up a whole bunch. Top them with jam and powdered sugar (or "snow" as my kids call it) and YUM!
Later that afternoon, Rob's brother's family came out to hang out. We had a great time just visiting, letting the kids play, etc. Rob and Jon had to play "Brainquest" on the Wii which was entertaining. We had a yummy dinner at Chilis and then let the kids have a movie party while we played some games and had homemade hot fudge sundaes.
On Sunday, we got the kids all dressed in their new Easter clothes. They all looked so cute! Church was great. Rob was called as the new Young Mens Secretary. He will do great! We had a really yummy Easter dinner with glazed ham, funeral potatoes, salad, rolls, asparagus, deviled eggs, etc. It was delicious! After dinner, we headed to my parents' home for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. The kids had a great time, even though none of them found a "golden egg" with a dollar in it. They of course came home with way too much candy, but had a great time. It is one of our favorite family traditions.
All in all, it was a great Easter. We are heading out today to get the kids new bikes from Mom and Dad for Easter. They are very excited, as are we, to have bikes that they can actually ride.

Me and Rob-Easter 2009. Wow! I do look preggers! It made it especially difficult to try to bend over to help the kids pick up their eggs.

Grandma and "Papa" Neilson

Ashlee on the hunt for eggs!

Sadie thought the egg hunt was great! We had to watch her closely that she didn't take other people's eggs.

McKell looking for eggs

Uncle Jay made this special 'nest' for some of Sadie's eggs. Sadie loves her Uncle Jay and he spoils her rotten!


My nephews - the BeeGees

The whole gang ready to head over the hill in the backyard and find the eggs. My parents' backyard is SO beautiful. I love it there.

Ashlee in her new Easter Dress

The whole crazy crew on Easter Sunday

My handsome "little" boy. I can't believe how big he is getting!

Our 3 sweet and beautiful little girls

Happy Easter from Sadie


Rob & Jon playing Brainquest on the Wii
("Look at the butt on that!")

Sadie enjoying her ice cream cone

Fun with cousins! Anna, Ashlee, Andrew, Cayden and McKell all enjoying their hot fudge sundaes.

Yummy Aebelskivers for Easter breakfast

Sadie, discovering her Easter basket

Cayden with his cool new green Easter rabbit

McKell loved her new lamb from the Easter Bunny

Ashlee's Easter basket!

A few nights before Easter, we had my parents and my brother, Jay, up to do our annual Easter Egg Coloring. We always have a great time. Jay had to show us how lovely and colorful even our paper towells were after coloring the eggs.

Cayden busy at work doing a "patriotic" egg

McKell was very meticulous and careful about her eggs. They were all beautiful.

Quite a production!

Sadie wanted in on the action, but there was NO way I was giving her actual egg dye. So, we gave her some plastic eggs, a bowl of water, and a dipper, and she was happy as a clam.

Me and my Sadie bug




Dad, Mom and Jay

Some of the final product. Aren't they just beautiful!?
Fun times for your family...as usual. Love all the pictures. Cute church outfits....and love that you found dresses with sleeves.....not possible here.
The Peacock's know how to party!!
You are always so festive! Your kids are so cute in their Easter outfits!
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