Not a whole lot to post on, just some random thoughts and happenings. I am completely annoyed with the weather right now. The last 2 nights have felt like our house was going to pick up and move with the awful winds. Our house backs up to Rose Canyon, so those winds come right down the canyon and boy do they howl and stir up trouble! The wind knocked over the Basketball standard, but hopefully it will be okay. None of us have slept well the past few nights because it is so darn noisy! What really annoys me is that this wind is bringing winter back to Utah. We had a nice little teaser of spring and it has been SO nice. But leave it to Utah to be 64 degrees today and snow by tomorrow. UUGH! Have I mentioned that I need a nice warm tropical vacation about now?
Things have been a little rough as we have had our first taste of life after Rob's big 'ol pay cut at work. It is pretty substantial and it really isn't fun. I am the first to admit that I hate a budget, so this is really annoying to me. I know that we are blessed to at least have a job right now, so I can't complain too much. But it is annoying. I have been trying to work again, against doctors wishes. I am trying to get some things made and listed on ebay, but even that is slow and go with the economy.
I am officially past the halfway point with this pregnancy. I cannot believe it! Time has flown. I am starting to finally feel a little relief from the every day-all day sickness. But watch out, if I don't take my Zofran at night, I am a mess the next day. I learned that the hard way this week. This little guy is moving all over and making his presence known for sure. I feel like I have "expanded" quite a bit in the past few weeks. I can't wait until Rob and the kids can feel this little guy kick. We haven't come up with a name yet. Unfortunately, as he has gotten bigger, I have started to feel it more and more in my back. I am growing increasingly concerned with how I am going to do this with my back as I continue to grow larger with this baby. In addition, I still carry Sadie quite a bit, and she is not the smallest child around, so it takes its toll. I still sometimes cannot believe that we are having a baby in July (or June, if Iget my way! :o)
Cayden is continuing to do well in school, scouts, and piano. He really is such a good kid. We've had a lot of "growing pains" with him lately, but we're adjusting. I went into his room last night and for the first time, it smelled like BOY! UUCH! I am not ready for that boy smell yet. I made him change his socks and sprayed with Lysol. I will be happy when spring really is here and I can open all of the windows every day.
Ashlee is doing great at school...finally! She still has her days, but overall is doing much better. She unfortunately broke her glasses yesterday which is a set back for school, but luckily, they can rush us some new frames. She is LOVING dance class! She is pretty good and loves it more than I ever imagined. It is so good for her. She will do her "Lollipop" dance for anyone who will watch. A funny Ashlee-ism this week. My dad is always teasing Ashlee that she is his girlfriend. This is their little banter that they do every time they see each other. So on Sunday, she walks in their house, goes right up to my dad and says very seriously, "Grandpa, I have some news for you and I'm afraid it is going to make you very unhappy...Daddy is actually my boyfriend." And she walked off. It was hilarious. McKell has has a rough week. Last week she came down with Pink Eye which is never fun. Miraculously, we were able to contain it to just her. But it is never fun to do the eye drop routine, etc. She no sooner started feeling better from that, than she came down with a nasty ear infection! She is doing much better after being on meds for a few days. Hopefully that is the last of it. Sadie keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing. As I have said before, she is just a joy to have in our family! I have cherished the time during the day that it is just her and me while the older kids are at school. Every day she helps me unload the dishwasher. She stands on the open door and hands me the dishes off the top shelf. She "grunts" as she leans over as far as she can to reach me and if I don't respond quickly, she just throws them at me. Needless to say, I empty the breakables and knives before she gets in on the action. She is filled with hugs, kisses, and attitude! She is driving me crazy with the climbing lately, but thinks she can just give a hug or a smile and get out of trouble. She is killing us lately with her looks that she shoots at us, especially when we tell her no. My favorite is when she grabs my whole face and pulls me into a hug. She can now say "Hi" and "Mama". We are working on "Da Da" but it comes out more like "Na na". She did give my dad the thrill of a lifetime this week when I let her talk to him on the phone. I told her to say hi to Papa and sure enough, for the first time, she said, "Papa". It was adorable!
Saturday March 8
17 hours ago
I like your random thoughts. It really gives me a glimpse into your life. We've had the same weather was really nice here and then it feels like winter came back (except no snow). I can't complain though, it's still going to be in the mid 60s to 70s which is actually quite nice. If we could just get rid of the wind I'd be a happy girl. Also related to you with the whole boy smell drives me CRAZY. I'm opening windows all the time; everyday I have to remind my boys to put on deoderant, the smell about kills me off sometimes. I'm hoping that they'll smell themselves soon and get the hint. Anyway, thanks for the glimpse, I'm sorry your back hurts, hopefully that feels better soon. Good luck with everything.
Cute! Ya these winds have got to go! Seriously horrible. I feel like our whole house is going to fly away. It sounds like our windows are going to shatter any second. Grrr! Last fall when it started doing this someones trampoline flew over the Wherli's fence and into their backyard. On top of that our umbrella to our patio furniture flew across our yard, luckily stopping at the fence and shattered our table, which was glass of course. So now we need to come up with a way to replace that glass. Crazy! Your kids are cute! I love the boyfriend story! Such character! lol
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