Fast forward to yesterday when Cayden then has to get home from school at 3:45, do his homework, and paint his boat all before 4:15 when he has piano lessons. He did a great job and did a Star Wars theme boat...shocking, I know. Then off to piano lessons we go. Meanwhile, I am trying to work, get dinner ready, etc. As soon as Rob gets home and Cayden gets home, they have the bath tub filled with water so Cayden can practice "blowing" his boat...apparently this is how they get the boats down the track. Who knew? It was pretty funny and cute to see the two of them practicing by the bath tub.
At around 6:00, Ashlee starts complaining of an ear "reflection" which is never good. She is getting her third set of tubes put in next month thank heavens. So add a sick child to the mix. At 6:30 I drop McKell off at dance, come back home so Rob can get Cayden to Pack meeting on time and at 7:20 I load Sadie up and head to pick up McKell. This is where the dumb mommy moment happened. As I pick her up, she looks very unhappy and says, "MOM, you brought me to the wrong class! My class is at 5:30, REMEMBER!?" Oh good laws! With the change in schedule, I had mixed things up in my head and thought her class was at 6:30. Nope. So she got to dance with another class which she wasn't very thrilled about. I apolgized profusely and we head to meet Rob at pack meeting where we are just in time to see Cayden do his final 2 "heats" for the championship. I quickly realize that Cayden's is the only boat that has any type of different design, and as soon as I watch him race it, I see why. He basically blew the competition out of the water. (HA! Get it!? Water!) After his taking first place at the Pinewood derby, I kind of felt bad that he was winning this too. But, alas, he did. He took first place and now has a Raingutter Regatta badge on his scout uniform. I'm not sure who was more proud and excited...him or Rob.
We came home and were up until midnight with Ashlee and her ear 'reflection' and hope she feels better today. I am letting them all sleep in a bit before I wake them up for school. Sadie apparently didn't get the memo that we were sleeping in and was up at 6:30 like normal. I will be getting a Diet Coke first thing this morning to keep me functioning today.
So that about sums it up. And that was just an average Tuesday...don't get me started on what my Wednesday looks like! 

For the past two and a half years my calling has been Cub Scout Committee Chairperson :) and it doesn't look like it's going to change any time soon. We had our Raingutter Regatta a couple of months ago. It was quite the drama fest because we invited the activity day girls to compete with the scouts. I had no idea what kind of uproar this would cause. Needless to say the activity day girls probably won't be invited to participate again. They blew the boys out of the water and made some cub scout moms very angry in the process. Holy Cow. You just never know what can of worms you can open with these kind of things. One rule we made new this year was no cutting the hulls. Last year the catamaran boat made by one of the boys won by a long shot - it's a much more stable design. So, we created more waves by insisting that the boys leave the hull of the boat intact. Again, drama, who knew. I'm glad you guys had a good time. I hope the ear reflection gets better soon. It's nice having a little glimpse into your lives now. Darrel says that next time we're in Utah he wants to come by and see Rob. If you guys ever make it down our way - we'd love to host.
Remind me why we have kids again??! Just kidding. :) No really, I'm excited for the time that James gets to do this kind of stuff with his boys (if we have boys). I bet Rob was just beaming! And by the way, I LOVE your hair!! That length looks great on you!
All I have to say is this:
Forget scouts.
What a crazy day! I hope the rest of your week has gone a little more smooth. I hope Ashlee is feeling better and good job on the regatta! I guess I have something to look forward to in all that scout stuff...yikes!
Wow! It sounds like a hectic and fun day. Ear "reflections" are never fun, I hope she is feeling better now. Good job on the boat Rob, I love how the dads get so competitive. =)
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